A student who is more aware of her country than a college dean.


The Dean of the Faculty of Casablanca in Ben M’sik has reached an unprecedented decline in societal awareness. Last Saturday, the Higher School of Technology invited the Dean as a guest of honor to present gifts to outstanding students. Here we are talking regarding a guest who must respect his host, a person in charge of a faculty, and a man of science and education. We are not talking regarding an illiterate person who is unaware of his country or who lives on the margins of his society. So what did the Dean do?

The Dean was called as the guest of honor to present a gift to the outstanding student in her class. The student placed the Palestinian keffiyeh on her shoulder, as an expression of her support for the barbaric aggression carried out by the occupation army once morest the Palestinian people. It was also an expression of the student’s involvement in this solidarity on a global level. Everyone saw what the students did at the largest European and American universities. But the Dean may not know what happens in Western universities that are ranked as the best in the world, a classification that his university rejects, and perhaps he does not have the level of cultural awareness that the outstanding student has reached, so he refused to hand her her gift because she was wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh.

Mr. Dean belongs to the university campus, and was once a student at the college. It is known that the Moroccan university has always adopted the Palestinian cause, since the independence of Morocco and the establishment of the first college, until today, and will remain so in the future. It is known that university students organize circles and seminars on the Palestinian cause as part of student awareness, and a curriculum to build the student’s character in his community and country, in addition to his academic achievement, for a student who is good to his country and at the level of serving his country. The outstanding student was saturated with this student culture, and engaged in the epic of student awareness, and reflected her knowledge of the challenges facing her country and the ambition of her country, and expressed this by wearing the keffiyeh of pride and great awareness. But on the other hand, we find a dean who has nothing of the title except the name, and lacks the simplest rules of student awareness, and the convictions of the Moroccan citizen. So did the student surpass the dean of the Faculty of Casablanca in the rules of student awareness?

The most hideous thing regarding this painting, which the dean painted with the brush of mediocrity and the colors of lack of social awareness, is that he told the student who excelled him in everything, “You are practicing politics.” Here… we can only stand in amazement at this decline into which the dean has slipped. The Moroccan state, to which this dean belongs and which gave him a position he perhaps does not deserve, spends considerable budgets on programs to encourage young people to care regarding their country’s politics, join parties, and care regarding their country’s issues. And during every election, the state allocates more than 70% of its media to the benefit of young people, including students, to educate them regarding engaging in political life and performing their national duty by voting in order to contribute to shaping public policies in their country. Can we say, in light of this strange behavior by the dean, that the excellent student understands her country better than the dean?

When a university institution holds a graduation ceremony and honors outstanding students, it is an educational behavior to motivate students to give more. Honoring outstanding students is also an educational behavior to encourage other students to exert more effort and achieve the best results. Does the dean not understand the basics of educational motivation when he is the first person responsible for the college? Has Morocco reached this poverty in cadres to entrust the mayorship of the Faculty of Casablanca-Ben M’sik to someone of this level?

Finally, we say that the Dean came as a guest of the university. It is his duty, if he is imbued with Moroccanism, to respect the rules of hospitality, and to hand over the gift to the student who excelled him in everything. Here I can only salute the Director of the Higher School of Technology who gave the Dean a lesson in civilized behavior, so he handed over the gift to the outstanding student. This was appreciated by all present, who rose from their seats to applaud their Director and the outstanding student, which made the Dean leave the hall expelled and not regretted.

Don’t tell me this man is a dean of a college, he might be a dean of anything but a Moroccan college.

Happy Ghammaz

#student #aware #country #college #dean
2024-07-17 22:51:54



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