A strong confrontation between the US and Russia… Ukraine is one step closer to nuclear war

CNN: “U.S. public warning not to use Russia’s nuclear weapons, proves the situation is serious”

“Putin, who put all his energy into Ukraine, can’t admit his failure… The world’s ‘dangerous moment'”

President Putin [리아노보스티 연합뉴스 자료사진. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Hyun Yoon-kyung = Russia, which has been on the defensive in the Ukraine war, recently issued a blitzkrieg order for military mobilization, suggesting the possibility of using nuclear weapons, and the US has warned of a strong response.

As the confrontation between the United States and Russia’s two nuclear powers develops, there are concerns that the Ukraine war, which has entered its eighth month, is one step closer to the worst possibility of a nuclear war, CNN reported on the 26th (local time). did.

Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a partial mobilization order on the 21st, saying that the West is threatening Russia with nuclear weapons and that Russia can use all means in response. At the same time, he warned that “it is not a blasphemy” and hinted at the possibility of using nuclear weapons.

The next day, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian National Security Council, considered Putin’s closest aide, said that “any weapon, including strategic nuclear weapons, can be used to defend Russian territory, including newly occupied territories,” and went one step further. .

Tensions between the two countries over the use of nuclear weapons appear to be escalating as the heads of foreign affairs and security warn all at once that Russia, which has been on the defensive in the Ukraine war, will take a decisive response if it uses nuclear weapons.

“It is very important for the Russian government to know that the consequences of the threat of nuclear war will be dire,” US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln said in an interview with CBS on the 25th.

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan also appeared on CBS that day, saying, “We are communicating directly and privately with the Russian side at high-level and saying that if we use nuclear weapons Russia will face catastrophic consequences, and the United States and its allies will respond decisively. “It was clear what that would entail,” he said.

A strong confrontation between the US and Russia...  Ukraine wars one step closer to nuclear war - 2

CNN reported that the US and the US are exchanging threats and warnings over the possibility of using nuclear weapons. pointed out

The more President Putin is cornered and attempts to threaten the enemy with ‘nuclear weapons’, Russia’s best lever, the tension in the West could grow.

But Putin is exaggerating the nuclear threat to intimidate the Western people and rift in the Western unity of support for Ukraine, and many Western experts believe that Russia will not actually use nuclear weapons. .

However, it is also true that President Putin poured everything into this war, which is increasingly unfavorable to Russia, as evidenced by the partial mobilization order that was invoked last week.

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His return to the nuclear threat card reflects this reality, which is increasingly cornered at home and abroad, CNN said.

Ukraine Crisis - U.S.-Russian confrontation (PG)
Ukraine Crisis – U.S.-Russian confrontation (PG)

[백수진 제작] illustration

In addition, the U.S., which had been warning Russia through unofficial channels not to use nuclear weapons for months after the outbreak of the Ukraine war, recently urged foreign and security officials to publicly refrain from using nuclear weapons, which is a sign that the situation is just as dangerous. CNN interpreted.

U.S. officials did not specify the devastating consequences of Russia’s use of nuclear weapons, but military and diplomatic experts believe it would be far more severe than additional economic sanctions against Russia.

If Russia actually uses nuclear weapons, even if the damage is limited, the humanitarian and environmental impacts will outweigh the slaughter and terror in Ukraine to date. By setting a precedent, other ‘rogue countries’ could move forward with a scramble for nuclear development, CNN feared.

World leaders are divided on the possibility that Putin will actually push the nuclear button.

British Prime Minister Liz Truss appeared on CNN’s “State of Union” on the 25th, ignoring Putin’s nuclear threat and stressing that the West must provide maximum support for Ukraine.

On the other hand, Finnish President Sauli Ninistö, who has been acquainted with Putin for a long time, warned that Putin has reached a dangerous moment because he has poured too much credit into the war.

“Putin is a ‘fighter,'” said President Ninistö. “It is very difficult to think that he will accept any defeat. This fact has made the situation very dangerous.”

In conclusion, CNN commented that it is impossible for Putin to admit that he failed in the Ukraine war for historical, personal and political reasons, and that the world has reached a precarious moment.


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