A storm of sex scandals and a clash of egos in Spanish football

The president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Luis Rubiales, was so surprised by the behavior of soccer player Jenni Hermoso before he even kissed her on the lips during the World Cup celebrations in Spain that other officials in the stadium were shocked by his behavior. Start sending videos.

A video leaked to The Independent shows the president of the Spanish Football Federation holding his body part in triumph. This is a gesture associated with ancient Rome that usually means ‘I am a man.’ It means

This is definitely an aggressive masculine gesture that Women’s Football Tournaments Not at all appropriate for a system in which everyone is entitled to equal treatment. His action has fueled an ongoing debate in Spain that Rubiales doesn’t know how to behave on what occasion.

Thus, more questions have been raised regarding his suitability to look after the affairs of the federation. The presence of the Queen of Spain and her 16-year-old daughter near him has made the matter more serious.

There is still the feeling that Rubiales doesn’t really know what he did wrong by kissing Hermoso. If the manner in which he apologized for his actions doesn’t make the situation clear, there are many things he did in the apology that make it clear.

Rubiales lashed out at those who objected to his ‘public display of affection’, calling them ‘stupid, foolish, weak-minded’ and ‘failures’. His apology then meant that he was sorry if someone had been hurt.

There are many who are ready to condemn the Spanish Football Association official in a controversy that does not seem to end.

Spain’s Minister of Culture and Sports, Mikel Aceta, called it ‘unacceptable’. Yolanda Diaz, Spain’s second deputy prime minister, said Rubiales should resign because “a woman Harassment was done and they were attacked.’ Equality Minister Irene Montero went ahead to call it ‘a form of sexual violence’.

Words like these are beginning to change the view of some in Spanish football that nothing will be as usual.

The situation has now gone beyond increasing pressure. While the kiss itself is enough of a controversy, it comes in a wider context that goes beyond the support of Rubiales’ manager, Jorge Vilda, despite the players’ complaints. These complaints include not allowing me to lock the doors of my hotel rooms during international tours until 2019.

Spanish football sources are using words like ’embarrassment’ and ’embarrassing’ that such people represent our game.

Meanwhile, the newspaper El Pais published an editorial lamenting how a chance for pride for Spain’s female footballers, who were admired around the world, was ruined by the behavior of one man. happened

Rubiales has caused similar controversies in the sport before, with other prominent figures in the sport willing to share the news privately via the messaging application WhatsApp.

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One of the news was that ‘Rubiales’ ex-cabinet boss says he paid for parties with federation money’. This was allegedly done in the case of organizing private level ceremonies. Rubles denies this.

Another story reported that ‘Louis Rubiales has been acquitted of assaulting an architect who was renovating his home.’ In one case, he was also accused of using money from the players’ union of which he was the president. They accused him of renovating the house with the union’s money.

After that, the news came out that ‘Rubiales made a deal with the footballer (Jerrad) Pique to move the Super Cub to Saudi Arabia, according to which Pique was to receive 24 million euros.’ But after revelations about a controversial deal with the former Spanish footballer, some told Rubiales: ‘You have six kilos of children.’ That means the game has gone bad.

Before all that, however, he was perhaps most famous outside of Spain for his explosive decision to fire men’s team manager Julian Lopetegui two days before the 2018 World Cup. It was a decision that knocked the Spanish team out of the tournament in the last 16 round. It is one of those historical tricks that the current situation is almost the reverse of the past, ie Rubiales sided with Velda.

In the case of Lopetegui, Rubiales felt he had no choice because the manager had disrespected the federation by agreeing to work with Real Madrid after the World Cup without telling him. In Velda’s case, Rubiales felt that Spain’s rebel players, some of whom had boycotted the Women’s World Cup, had disrespected both the manager and the federation, so he strongly supported the manager.

It has been repeatedly pointed out that she and Velda have a strong relationship and Velda’s father Jorge is currently the head of the women’s football department of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).

In any case, compromise was never much considered, although George forced changes to the quality of the women’s team’s preparation and facilities. Some winning players are angry and had to ask. Ballon d’Or winner Alexia Poutillas made a remarkable comment on the occasion of the victory.

‘You see when female footballers have a bit of confidence in themselves and are given basic facilities, everything gets better.’

The few who defend Rubiales say that the situation has improved.

When Lopetegui’s case broke in June 2018, he had been in the job for less than a month and was seen as a significant improvement over his predecessor, Angel Maria Villar, who was accused of collusion last July. , was suspended from the presidency after being detained on charges of embezzlement and document forgery.

Rubiales said of Lopetegui’s sacking: ‘These are the values ​​of the new federation and anyone who doesn’t like that will have to get used to it.’

Rubiales got his current job after a key role with the Spanish Footballers’ Association. He was good at leading teams that had gone bankrupt. He managed small clubs. During the whole process, he was a player himself. In these situations, their experience was given great importance.

One such call for help actually came at his last club, Scottish team Hamilton Academical. The last thing he heard after a 4-1 defeat by Rangers in his fourth and final game in Scotland was: ‘Baldy bastard, what’s the score?’

A defensive player, Rubiales was not seen as having the same technical skills as Spanish players, but was respected for his tenacity.

He was at Hamilton in the season that ended with Spain winning the men’s World Cup in South Africa, undermining any wider influence on the women’s success. It was Spain’s coaching revolution around the turn of the century that led to the emergence of both Spain’s world champions, and Robles was at clubs like Godex and Lleida while it was happening.

It must be emphasized that he is seen as an innovator in many ways for a federation that desperately needed him. It was during Rubiales’ tenure that a department of reputation and security was created. And ‘Ruby’, as he is called by the federation’s staff, also had an important move made possible by his influence, potentially helping to bring the 2030 World Cup to Spain. Although many believed that Saudi Arabia would win the bid due to its growing influence, the combination of Morocco and Portugal with Spain split the African vote and essentially excluded the Saudi state from the process. forced out.

Meanwhile, those who have worked with Rubiales at UEFA level describe him as ‘committed’ and ‘competent’, but with a ‘big ego’, which causes a lot of anger. He has already fallen out with the players’ union and LaLiga president Javier Tebas. Many would say that this is nothing new. Otherwise, the modernization envisioned at the federation level now contrasts with the reactionary attitude of the past few days.

El Pace newspaper described the kiss as ‘like a bad joke from Benny Hill’. Unfortunately, this issue is becoming more and more serious.

Rubiales certainly looked like he was feeling it at Monday’s victory parade. There was no video of his behavior because he was very careful and did not appear on stage.

In the words of a source, now is the time.

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#storm #sex #scandals #clash #egos #Spanish #football

**Interviewer:** Welcome, everyone. Today, we⁤ have a special guest, [Guest Name], a sports psychologist and gender equality advocate, to discuss the recent controversial incident involving Luis⁣ Rubiales and Jenni Hermoso. Thank you for joining⁣ us!

**Guest:** Thank⁣ you for having ⁤me. It’s a crucial topic that needs to ⁣be addressed.

**Interviewer:** Let’s dive right in. The non-consensual kiss that Luis Rubiales gave Jenni Hermoso during the World Cup celebrations raised serious concerns ⁣about⁣ consent and appropriate behavior in sports. What ⁣are your thoughts on the implications of this incident?

**Guest:** ⁢This incident is ​incredibly telling about the culture within‌ sports, especially regarding how women are treated. The lack of understanding of consent​ displayed by Rubiales is‌ alarming and reflects a broader issue in society ‌where women’s autonomy is often disregarded.⁣

**Interviewer:** Absolutely. After the incident, Hermoso reported receiving threats, which only intensifies the issue at hand. ⁢What does this say about the environment female athletes face?

**Guest:** It’s tragic and unacceptable. ⁤Threats against Hermoso highlight the hostility that⁤ women athletes often encounter when they stand up for themselves. It creates a chilling effect, dissuading others from speaking out against inappropriate behavior. We need to‌ foster an environment where athletes feel⁤ safe and supported.

**Interviewer:** You mentioned ⁣the cultural aspect. The reactions ⁢from government​ officials ‍and public figures have been ‍quite strong,⁤ labeling Rubiales’ actions as unacceptable and even an example of sexual violence. How crucial are ‍these reactions in shifting the narrative?

**Guest:** The reactions from officials‌ like Minister Mikel Aceta and Equality Minister Irene ‌Montero are extremely ⁢important for accountability. They set a precedent that such behavior will​ not be tolerated. ​This is essential ⁢for changing the culture within sports organizations and society⁤ at large, promoting a zero-tolerance policy for harassment.

**Interviewer:** Rubiales’ response seemed defensive, as he called critics ‘stupid’ and ‘foolish’. How does this affect the situation moving forward?

**Guest:** Such⁢ a defensive​ stance shows a lack of accountability.‌ When leaders refuse⁢ to accept responsibility, it perpetuates a toxic⁣ culture. Change requires acknowledgment of wrongdoing and a commitment to learning from the​ experience. ⁤Rubiales’ reaction risks solidifying negative perceptions⁣ about leadership’s commitment to equality in sports.

**Interviewer:** Accountability is key, indeed. This situation not only affects the individuals involved but also shapes the future ⁢of women’s⁣ sports‌ in Spain. What steps should‌ governing bodies take ‍to ‍ensure a safer environment for female athletes?

**Guest:** First, they need to implement robust training programs focused on consent and respectful behavior in sports. Regular workshops, clearer policies regarding harassment, and a⁢ commitment⁣ to transparency are essential. Additionally, they should establish independent channels ⁤for reporting incidents without​ fear of retaliation.

**Interviewer:** Thank you, [Guest Name], for your insights on this issue. It’s a‌ reminder of the work that ⁤still lies ahead in achieving equality in sports.

**Guest:** Thank you for highlighting ‌this important conversation. Change is possible, and it starts with dialogue and action.

**Interviewer:** And thank‌ you to our audience for tuning in. Let’s⁢ continue​ advocating for a safe and respectful environment in sports⁤ for everyone.

It further fuels the narrative that those in power may not recognize the impact of their actions. Instead of taking responsibility, he deflected blame, which hampers any constructive dialogue about improving workplace culture and ensuring that athletes feel respected and safe.

**Interviewer:** With many voices calling for Rubiales’ resignation, what changes do you think need to occur in the leadership of sports organizations to better protect athletes, particularly women?

**Guest:** We need leaders who understand the importance of consent and respect for all individuals. Implementing comprehensive training on gender sensitivity and consent for all staff, including executives, coaches, and players, is essential. We should also see more women in leadership roles within these organizations, ensuring diverse perspectives drive policies that prioritize athlete welfare effectively.

**Interviewer:** Looking at the broader context, how do these incidents reflect on women’s sports and the fight for equality within it?

**Guest:** Incidents like this are stark reminders of the ongoing struggles women athletes face in achieving equality. They highlight systemic issues that must be addressed. The backlash against Rubiales is a critical moment to galvanize efforts for change, allowing women athletes to reclaim their narrative and reinforce their rights as professionals in sports.

**Interviewer:** Thank you for your insights, [Guest Name]. It’s evident that this conversation will continue as we aim for a more equitable environment in sports.

**Guest:** Thank you for having me. It’s vital we keep discussing these issues to promote change and support all athletes in their pursuit of excellence without fear or intimidation.

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