A storm in Logroño causes flooding and madness in the city | Eltiempo.es

A Night to Remember: The Storm That Hit Logroño

Ah, Logroño! Famous for its wine, tapas, and now, apparently, storms that could give Thor a run for his money! In the last hours of the night, the city experienced a weather event so intense that even the grapes on the vine must have been asking for cover. Residents woke up to more than just a hangover; they got an all-you-can-eat buffet of rain, wind, and hail!

Now let’s talk about this wet blowout. It’s not a new dance move at a wedding, but a phenomenon where rain comes crashing down like an uninvited relative at Christmas. The rainfall was so intense that some streets transformed into pristine rivers, leaving many locals wondering if they’d accidentally booked a seat on the Logroño Titanic!

The Numbers Tell the Tale

According to our meteorological friends at SOS Rioja, the storm dumped up to 15.3 litres per square meter in a mere fifteen minutes. That’s not just a sprinkle; that’s a proper dousing! Streets like Carmen Medrano and Colón Avenue turned into some sort of wet obstacle course. One moment you’re checking your phone, the next you’re trying to navigate an amphibious vehicle through flooded roads.

The official red record was set ablaze with a delightful 35 mm of rain recorded at the Logroño Airport, along with wind gusts tickling the 46 km/h mark. But outside the official network? Oh la la! We’re talking gusts of up to 83 km/h. It’s like the wind decided to take a detour on its way to the beach!

City Under Water: The Aftermath

The aftermath wasn’t picturesque either, as the Logroño City Council reported over thirty incidents related to flooding. Some poor souls found their homes and businesses caught in a watery crossfire. The local fire crews were working all night long, as if it were a particularly busy shift at the local pub.

And let’s not forget the hail! Those little icy balls of disappointment fell like nature’s own version of popcorn, leaving the streets covered and social media flooded with dramatic images. I mean, it was all so picturesque, one could almost mistake it for a scene from a dramatic movie. Director? The weather!

Rivers of Trouble Ahead?

Now, the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation has put on its serious hat and warned about possible flash floods in the rivers of the basin. So, if you thought last night’s drama was the end of the story, think again! The surrounding towns, like poor Alfaro, weren’t spared either – their sewage system practically threw in the towel and collapsed like it was auditioning for a soap opera.

Authorities are advising locals to keep their ears open to weather updates. So, if you enjoy the blend of meteorology and impending doom, stay tuned because it seems the rain will continue until the weekend. If you thought your weekend plans of leisurely sipping wine were safe, think again, my friend.

So, dear readers, Logroño is back to normal for now, but let’s keep our fingers crossed—and umbrellas at the ready—for what might come next. After all, when the clouds roll in, you never know what they might unleash.

A last hours of the night occurred in the city of Logroño a storm very important. This later gave rise to a wet blowout and also a gust front.

Las rainfall was so intense in matter of minutes that caused significant flooding in some areas of the capital. The storm left great electrical activity, strong gusts of wind and also hail.

The red oficial record accumulated 35 mm at the Logroño Airport and one 46 km/h gust. However, outside the official network, the data at the capital’s stations show a gust of up to 83 km/h and accumulated gusts of between 15 and 30 mm.

According to the data of the SOS Riojathe storm in Logroño downloaded up 15.3 liters per square meter in just fifteen minutes, which caused flooding in streets such as Carmen Medrano and Colón Avenue. These areas, along with the roundabout of the Sports Club avenuebecame real rivers, making traffic difficult for the few vehicles that were circulating at that time.

Consequences of the storm in Logroño

He Logroño City Council reported that more than thirty incidents related to flooding. These affected both streets and commercial premises and homes. Four fire crews worked throughout the night to manage the emergencies caused by the storm in Logroño.

The meteorological phenomenon was identified as a wet blowoutwhich is characterized by intense rainfall in a short time and very strong gusts of wind. He hail It also played a crucial role, covering the streets of Logroño and leaving shocking images that flooded social networks.

In addition to the floods, the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation warned of possible flash floods in the rivers of the basin. This factor could aggravate the situation in the coming days. The storm in Logroño It also affected nearby towns, such as Alfarowhere the sewage system collapsed due to heavy rains.

The authorities have recommended the residents of Logroño to be attentive to weather updates. And it is that is planned that the rains could continue until the weekend.



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