A Stealth Fighter Comparison

Russia has been obsessed with chess for generations, but does this interest carry over to warplanes? The new Russian Su-75 fighter jet It goes by the nickname “Checkmate”, capitalizing on the allure of the board game. Russia hopes to export what it says is a fifth-generation warplane to subsidize its acquisition by its air force. It is believed that the Su-75 Checkmate It is built on the Su-57 airframe and is an improvement over competing fourth-generation fighters on the export market. Should he of the F-35 program worry about the Su-75? To find out, I’ll compare and contrast the acquisition status of both fighters.

Su-75: still not flying

The Su-75 is not ready for serial production and will not even fly until 2024 at the earliest. Serial production is not expected until at least 2025. The Su-75 is not a priority right now for Russia, as Moscow is focused on ground warfare in Ukrainein which newly produced missiles are a higher priority than the construction of future fighters. But Su-75 prototypes are on the way and mockups have been displayed at airshows.. Russia hopes this initial production run will be faster because the Su-75 has parts and components used by its stealth Su-57 program. Some of the research and development will not be necessary due to the technological advances of the Su-57.

Su-57 and Su-75 side by side. Image credit: Rostec.

Can it compete on price with the F-35?

The manufacturer of the Su-75, United Aircraft Corporationand its affiliate Sukhoi Aircraft Company believe their stealth fighter will be cheaper than the F-35 ($30 million versus $80 million for the F-35). Like the F-35, the Checkmate will also be a single-engine aircraft that will help reduce maintenance costs and increase fuel efficiency.. The Su-75’s Saturn AL-41 engine is rated at 24,000 pounds without afterburner and 39,000 pounds with afterburner.

Weapon Delivery and Substantial Specs

The Checkmate will also have internal weapons bays that can carry a number of air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, and bombs. A 30mm cannon will be included for aerial combat. This would mean an armament load of seven tons. The Checkmate’s aiming system can track six bogeys at once. Stealth is achieved with its V-shaped tail, hybrid wing design and engine intakes.

The UAC and Sukhoi want the Su-75 to reach speeds of 1.8 MACH with a range of 1,864 miles and a ceiling of 40,000 feet.

Countries want the F-35 in large numbers

It is difficult to foresee a scenario in which the Su-75 outsells the F-35 on the export market. many allies of USA are flying or commissioning the F-35. There are eight associated countries. Non-partner countries such as Swiss, Finland, Germany and the Czech Republic they have chosen the F-35.

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F-35vs.  Su-75: A Stealth Fighter Comparison
F-35 AF-2 flight from Edwards AFB, CA to Eielson AFB, AK. October 11, 2017 Senior Pilot Eskil “Taz” Amdal, Royal Norwegian Air Force.

The Su-75 needs a firm buyer soon

UAC and Sukhoi want to sell the Su-75 to developing nations like Vietnam, India and countries of Africa. These air forces would love to have a stealth fighter, but can they afford the $30 million price tag to buy enough of them that the Su-75 doesn’t become a consumer item? Russia wants a country to “jump into the pool first.”

The aircraft needs a major sponsor, as Rob Lee, a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, told NBC News. Lee believes the Su-75 program could languish without a major foreign partner. The Su-75 program needs to announce a major buyer soon. This will be difficult due to sanctions and export controls in place due to the war in Ukraine.

Forget Europe as a sales territory

The Su-75 will not be sold in Europasince the F-35 is the owner of the continent due to russian invasion of ukraine. The F-35 is stealthy and robust in its sensor fusion, engine power, and weapons payload. In addition, the Americans often offer pilot training along with spare parts and maintenance support. The additional cost is well worth it for so many partner air forces that are replacing fourth-generation fighters with the F-35.

And what if the Su-75 does not even have stealth attributes? This would severely hamper overseas sales if the manufacturer can’t make the Checkmate totally stealthy. So the Su-75 could not be marketed as a fifth-generation fighter. Customers aren’t worried about the F-35’s level of stealth. If countries can afford a major purchase of the F-35, they are unlikely to go with the Su-75. A) Yes, Lockheed Martin it will continue to have international success on its hands and the United States can use the F-35 as part of its diplomacy efforts by reminding allies that they are receiving one of the best fighters in the world, if not the best.

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