A statement from the Minister of the Interior, coinciding with the arrival of the storm.. Here are its details

The office of the Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Judge Bassam Mawlawi, issued the following statement:

In anticipation of the arrival of a strong snow storm in Lebanon, accompanied by fast winds and heavy rain, the Minister of Interior and Municipalities Judge Bassam Mawlawi addresses the citizens with the need to take precautions and be aware of their safety and avoid taking mountain roads, stressing the need to drive carefully when traveling, in order to avoid slipping due to the possibility of layers of ice. Especially in mountainous areas, keeping food and water with them and not turning on the heating system inside the car if they are surrounded by snow.

Also, avoid parking near billboards and trees in case the winds blow them up.

Moloy asked all governors, mayors, municipalities, civil defense and firefighting brigades to remain in full readiness, coordinate with snow shoveling centers and work to open roads and waterways, be aware of any accident that may occur due to wind speed and heavy rain, and put all their capabilities at the disposal of citizens and their immediate assistance, especially Trapped and stranded on the roads and inside homes due to snow and stormy weather.


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