A start-up reveals the ecological and economic potential of eggshells

2023-11-26 11:07:00

The 15 billion eggs laid each year in France produce 40,000 tonnes of shells. A patented process from the start-up Circul’Egg now allows them to be recycled!

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Since November 10, 2023, the young start-up Circus’Egg has a brand new industrial site in Janzé, in Ille-et-Vilaine, for the recovery of eggshells. A strategic location since the Great West of France alone concentrates 75% of the 40,000 tonnes of this material from egg breakers. Incineration, composting, spreading, all the methods to eliminate it were far from ideal, both from an ecological and economic point of view, until Circul’Egg offered a truly innovative alternative.

Separate the outer shell from the inner membrane

After the egg decontamination stage, the start-up actually patented in 2021 a process for separating the outer shell from the internal membrane. Each of these materials has different virtues: the first is rich in calcium carbonate while the second is a source of biomolecules of interest. They are then crushed separately into a fine powder which is of interest to the cosmetics, animal feed and even food supplement industries.

Ecological and economic virtues

The interest is therefore both ecological and regulatory, since scrapyards are increasingly forced to find effective solutions for the management of their waste, but also economic. The cost of removing a ton of eggshells is in fact estimated on average between €10 and €50 per ton, where Circul’Egg’s solution makes it possible to recycle this waste from the 15 billion eggs produced each year. In France.

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