A starred meal served at the Sées hospital

A starred meal served at the Sées hospital

Each year, the association The big meal created under the leadership of Emmanuel Hervé and great chefs like Thierry Marx or Guillaume Gomez, develops, coordinates and implements a series of initiatives at the local, regional and national level. The common objective being to allow citizens of the same territory to share the same local and seasonal menu.

Read also: For nine years, a lucky star has shined on Arnaud Viel and La Renaissance in Argentan

For Lower Normandy, the menu was chosen and proposed by Arnaud Viel, starred chef of the restaurant La Renaissance, in Argentan, sponsor of the operation, and invited for the occasion to highlight local products and regional know-how.

French way of life

As a starter, a variation around beetroot and Banvou goat’s cheese was offered, followed as a main course by a chuck confit with cider juice and chocolate, accompanied by Créance carrots. To continue, cheese with a quenelle of Mercier Camembert, accompanied by green apple jelly and a sesame tuile. To finish, a revisited lemon tart.

As the creators of this association wished, the meal was a real moment of sharing, conviviality and curiosity as well as a good part of humanism and the opportunity to highlight French savoir-vivre. Arnaud Viel did not hesitate to leave his kitchen to come and accompany and guide the cooks and staff of the Sées hospital in order to offer a meal that was out of the ordinary.

A job of sharing

Cooking is a job of sharing. It’s always good to please others and food is something that binds us all, regardless of age, explains the starred chef who is also a philosopher. He is very sensitive to the benefits of traditional cuisine which very often recalls the flavors of childhood and the cooking of his grandparents. For Marie Sourdaine, director of the Sées hospital center, these highlights of the establishment are added to others which mark the year. They allow staff to highlight their skills and get involved in their work in order to give pleasure to residents.”

In retirement homes, meals remain important moments, as confirmed by Thérèse Négrier and Paulette Petit, who appreciated not only the exceptional meal but also the decoration of the tables and the plated service. A real moment of conviviality to come and change everyday life.”



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