A spoon for cleaning and treating the arteries will get out of your arteries stuck and accumulated fats that have not come out for years and your heart will be refreshed

A spoon for cleaning and treating the arteries will get out of your arteries clingy and accumulated fats that have not come out for years and your heart will be refreshed

Cleaning and treating the arteries This is the topic of our article today; As it is one of the bad habits that many of us follow without paying attention to what this wrong thing causes, which is eating fats and foods full of harmful unsaturated oils, and this causes the accumulation of fat in the arteries, causing blockages, and exposing the heart to serious diseases that may lead to death.

Cleaning and treatment of clogged arteries

Clogged arteries may result in preventing blood from being delivered from the heart to the body, causing serious attacks and clots that may lead to death. Apple cider vinegar with garlic helps treat this blockage, and this is what we know through the following steps:

  • As a cup of water is brought, we put two cloves of mashed garlic in it and leave it for a whole day.
    Then we filter the water from the garlic and put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and eat it.
    This drink eliminates the accumulated fat in the arteries, and this drink should be consumed for two weeks on an empty stomach to get the best result.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar and garlic

Apple cider vinegar and garlic have many benefits and beneficial properties for the body for each of them separately. When combined, the benefits double, and the most prominent benefits are the following:

  • You should not eat fat in order to benefit from this magical drink.
  • You should also limit the consumption of fried meals in abundance because of the many oils that are harmful to the body, and this may reduce the usefulness of this drink.
  • Water should be consumed in abundance.
  • Reduce the intake of fatty foods.
  • Drink ginger and lemon as they clean the arteries.
  • Eating apple cider vinegar daily cleans the arteries and gets rid of excess fat in the body.
  • Consuming pomegranate juice also works on the health of the heart, refreshing it and getting rid of fat.
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