A spectacular fresco for Official Posters – Sport & Society

2024-03-04 20:31:57

In a spirit combining reverie and phantasmagoria, between staging sports and evoking French heritage, Paris 2024 lifts the veil on Official Posters designed like a diptych in bright colors and teeming with details.

The Official Posters for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games presented at the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, Monday March 4, 2024 (Credits – Paris 2024)

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The Official Posters for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games presented at the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, Monday March 4, 2024 (Credits – Paris 2024)

SA unique artistic and communication support since the Stockholm 1912 edition, the Official Poster of the Games has, since its creation, embodies the image and values ​​that the organizers wish to convey.

If the first decades highlighted the athlete as the key character of the Olympic event in an ancient Olympic spirit, the style of the Posters then slipped towards a design more refined and more visual, thereby following fashions and their developments.

With Paris 2024, a new idea of ​​the representation of Official Posters is undeniably born, perfectly illustrating the slogan: “Let’s open the Games wide”.

In fact, the Organizing Committee (COJO) presented this Monday March 4, 2024 what should be considered as a diptych combining the Poster of the Olympic Games and the Poster of the Paralympic Games.

Because like the choice of the identical Games emblem for both sporting eventsor like the Phryges identified as mascotsParis 2024 once again wanted to show a certain unity in the interpretation carried out to highlight the upcoming arrival of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Imagined by French designer Ugo Gattoni – a native of Paris and a graduate in visual communication – the Paris 2024 Posters are the result of more than 2,000 hours of work, the equivalent of six months of intense work to deliver a perfectly double support complementary which reinterprets Paris and its monuments in a fantasy pushed to its climax, with the presence of some 40,000 characters.

So, like the game book series ” Where is Charlie ? »the Official Posters are in themselves a narrative and creative concept, full of symbols in a joyful mixture where the giant rubs shoulders with the tiny and where the details testify to the extreme finesse of the work carried out under the designer’s pencil.

Official Poster for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games (Credits – Paris 2024 / Ugo Gattoni)

For’Olympic Games posterthe five rings are represented at the heart of a sporting celebration below a stylized Eiffel Tower within which is inserted a Stade de France as if levitating above what is similar to the famous gardens of the Parc du Castle of Versailles.

The dome of the Invalides also unfolds in majesty, just like the Pont Neuf or the Haussmannian buildings, real postcards of the ” City of Lights “. Above the Alexandre III Bridge, a balcony also depicts parity, with the same number of men and women.

Many symbols also appear on this Poster, such as for example the White on board which will transport the Olympic flame between Greece and Marseille of which the Olympic Marina was also represented, as well as the Teahupoo wave where the surfing events will be held.

L’Paralympic Games poster is not to be outdone, since the details are also very present around the monumental Grand Palaisreimagined not far from the Obelisk of Concord or the Arc de Triomphe which mixes with the aerial metro and at the Trocadéro.

The discobole also occupies a place of choice within the Poster, while the torch of the Games is represented near the medals and a stone’s throw from Stoke Mandeville, the British birthplace of the Paralympic Movement.

Official Poster for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games (Credits – Paris 2024 / Ugo Gattoni)

In this imaginary stadium city, ultimately thousands of details and symbols were scattered throughout the heart of the two Posters, again like the Flame Relayof “Marathon for all”podiums, boats on the Seineof Marianne – female allegorical figure embodying republican values ​​in France – of a dove, subtly placed on the arm of a diver behind which the Olympic motto was written, but also of the Patrouille de France or a fountain Wallace characteristic of Paris.

Obviously, this joyful ensemble also gives pride of place to the Paris 2024 mascots, present in various places.

Even more, the Official Posters illustrate in their own way no less than 47 sports, including the four additional sports of breakdancing, climbing, skateboarding and surfing. In detail, 29 Olympic sports have been included on either side of this monumental fresco, supplemented by 18 Paralympic sports.

Meeting of Official Posters for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Credits – Paris 2024 / Ugo Gattoni)

Presented this Monday from the Musée d’Orsay where they will be exhibited until March 10, the Official Posters will now take place in the streets of the capital at the initiative of the display network of the City of Paris, before entering schools where they will be distributed in the form of poster as part of Olympic and Paralympic Week.

From this Tuesday, March 5, the Posters will also be available for sale – separately – in a 30x40cm format from 20 euros and in a 50x70cm format from 29 euros. Printed in France by Oneart in Seine-et-Marne and by Editor in Saône-et-Loire, they will be sold on the Paris 2024 online store, as well as in the seven official stores opened to date in Paris (Carrousel, Halles, Défense, etc.) and in Lyon. They will also be available in the Musée d’Orsay boutique.

To take the visual experience even further, the Paris 2024 Posters have been designed to be accessible in augmented reality.

In fact, the packaging includes a QR code which will allow collectors and fans of the Games to digitally bring this diptych to life. Launched on July 19, 2024, this experience will be possible from the official IOC application and on the Snapchat account @Olympics.

#spectacular #fresco #Official #Posters #Sport #Society

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