A spark call sets the date for her retirement: art in relation to a stage

The Jordanian actress, Nidaa Sharara, confirmed that she knows when she will move away from art and devote herself to her life, away from the limelight and fame.
Nedaa said in an interview on Amman TV: “Art is a stage for me, and I know when I will stop, in five or six years, even if I am proud of my giving.”

And about her thinking of retiring early, she said: “At a moment a person must give up his greed, and love himself more, art or even any job that steals the limelight, that’s why he retires in general.”
And Nida expressed her desire to live her life away from the limelight and fame, and said: “I want to live my life, and I feel that I must turn to myself to continue my life quietly.”

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