A South American Tribe Whose People Defeat Aging – Life & Style

Today’s people start turning gray around the age of 40 to 45 years, maybe even earlier, after which they are quite close to old age.

But there is also one tribe in the world where surprisingly no one gets old quickly and there is a special reason behind it.

According to the report of BBC Urdu, in the lower regions of Bolivia, in the Amazon forests, the residents of the Chimane community live on the banks of the Maniki River, who farm and hunt fish on a daily basis. The distance from their houses to reach the boat is about 100 km.

The scientists examined the level of calcium (CAC) in the arteries of the heart of the tribesmen, which causes blockage of the blood circulation in the arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack.

Image courtesy of the BBC

When they performed a CT scan of the hearts of 705 people, they found that none of the Chemane tribe had any coronary artery disease by the age of 45, while 25 percent of people in the United States had it in their arteries by that age. becomes

According to the BBC, elderly people in Chimane do not show signs of diseases specific to old age, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or heart problems. These are some of the main reasons why people of Chimane never grow old.

#South #American #Tribe #People #Defeat #Aging #Life #Style
2024-08-10 09:21:11



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