A smart deposit from ALEXBANK will brighten your eyes…great features and a fixed monthly return

Many people wonder regarding the Smart Deposit from the Bank of Alexandria, especially since following the Central Bank of Egypt decided to fix the interest rate last Thursday, many citizens dealing with banks monitored interest rates on bank products, the most important of which are certificates and deposits, and during the current hours, the Smart Deposit is receiving great follow-up and attention .

Smart Deposit from Alex Bank

Content Plus, through this report, reviews the features and terms of a smart deposit with a fixed monthly return.

Fixed return for the term of the deposit.

– Periodicity of return disbursement

Paying the interest monthly.

3 months for a fixed monthly return, and 6 months and 12 months.

Minimum of 1000 Egyptian pounds.

What is a bank deposit?

An investment tool developed by financial institutions to help individuals save money and get a great return. A short to medium term deposit is the right investment if you want to benefit from your surplus income without being exposed to other investment options.



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