A small and cheap weather radar was needed

A small and cheap weather radar was needed

The need for a meteorological radar in the area of ​​Crete, points out Thodoris Kolidas, on the occasion of the tragic incident in the Samaria gorge.

The director of EMY, in his post, refers indirectly to the sudden storm that hit the area of ​​the Samaria Gorge, causing a landslide and the death of a tourist who was fatally injured in the leg by a falling rock.

Thodoris Kolidas points out that even with a small and cheap radarlike the one at the American base in Souda, severe storms can be predicted and civilians protected.

In fact, until then, Mr. Kolidas also gives the web address of the specific radar for citizens to use.

The post of Thodoris Kolidas:


Even with a small and “cheap” weather Radar, like the one whose image is freely available on the internet by the American Base in Souda, a strong storm can be recognized and give the appropriate signal for the vigilance of Agencies and citizens.

So until the long-awaited large weather radars arrive, let’s spread the radar’s email address for use by those who are about to move to the island.


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#small #cheap #weather #radar #needed



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