A.Skaisgirytė: G.Landsbergis’ messages about security are strange and dangerous

“If this is the foreign minister speaking, the minister who makes decisions as a representative of the executive branch, (speech – BNS), it should be stopped, because some of the messages are strange, to say the least, for example, when collective defense is questioned, as if it no longer works, it should to look for some other forms of defense”, the head of the country’s chief adviser on foreign policy issues told Radio Žiniai on Tuesday.

“It is dangerous to question this, because our allies are also reading these thoughts. If we don’t believe it ourselves, how can we convince those allies to defend us, if, God forbid, it is necessary? In this sense, such speech is not only dangerous, it is simply harmful”, she said.

Last week, G. Landsbergis urged not to give in to apathy thinking that Lithuania will be defended by the fifth article of NATO, and urged to think about strategic changes in its defense.

According to him, the support given to Ukraine may not be enough to win against Russia and it may rebuild its forces for a new offensive in a few years. He spoke similarly during his visit to Tallinn.

According to A.Skaisgirytė, it is not known “with which hat that information is communicated” – whether the politician is speaking as a member of the Seimas and the chairman of the ruling party, or as a political scientist, raising and refuting hypotheses.

“If this is the hat of a member of the Seimas and, what is important, the chairman of the party, it can be understood perhaps as a bit of pre-election speech to gather his followers to counter new threats, but in fact the threats are not new,” said A.Skaisgirytė.

According to her, Lithuania sought to join NATO and “have that NATO umbrella” in order to feel safer. According to the advisor, the foundation of Lithuania’s security was and is collective defense.

“The messages are read by partners, allies, and even non-friends of Lithuania. All relevant conclusions are drawn. A citizen of Lithuania, who is perhaps now confused, is also drawing conclusions, thinking about how it is here, where we are here, is it safe to live in Lithuania?”, said the presidential adviser.

According to her, it would be worthwhile to concentrate on Lithuania’s homework – the arrival and settlement of the German brigade in Lithuania as soon as possible, strengthening its army, and continuing preparations for universal defense.

“The minister has been working in this government for three years, what has been done – some work has been done. There is still work to be done. If we speak abroad, let’s speak very responsibly,” said the adviser.

The president himself, responding to the minister’s remarks last week, said that the threats had not changed so quickly, and called on the head of Lithuanian diplomacy to “sit down and calm down”.

#A.Skaisgirytė #G.Landsbergis #messages #security #strange #dangerous
2024-08-07 20:07:12



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