a single dose of HPV vaccine before age 21?

In France, vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) infections is recommended for girls and boys aged 11 to 14 with a two-dose schedule. But according to the WHO, a single dose could be enough to obtain effective protection against cancer of the cervix in the youngest.

In people over 21, on the other hand, the recommendation of two doses six months apart remains in force for optimal protection.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections are contracted sexually. “About 8 out of 10 women are exposed to these viruses during their lifetime. In 60% of cases, the infection takes place at the beginning of sexual life, ”report the experts of the site vaccination-info-service.fr.

35% use of vaccination in France

Cervical cancer is now considered preventable due to access to vaccination since 2007 in France for primary prevention, and to screening for secondary prevention, which allows early detection of precancerous lesions.

The fact remains that in France, the rate of recourse to screening does not exceed 65%. And the vaccination rate is only 35% (13% globally).

“This single dose recommendation has the potential to move us faster towards our goal of having 90% of girls immunized by the age of 15 by 2030,” said Dr Princess Nothemba Simelela, Deputy director general of the WHO, at a press conference this Monday, April 11.

To note

Each year, in France, nearly 3,000 women learn that they are suffering from cancer of the cervix. Three-quarters of the cases concern women under the age of 65.

In total, 1,000 annual deaths are reported in the female population in connection with this disease.

For the moment, and until the French authorities take a position on the subject, the two doses of vaccines remain in force in the country.

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