A Simple Guide to Meditation: Find Inner Peace and Well-Being

2023-10-21 05:05:59

When the urgent leaves no room for the important and your to-do list is longer than your plans for the weekend, you need a moment to breathe peace. Have you considered meditating? It is a simple practice that will help you find well-being.

To prepare this basic guide we spoke with Hill Sea
, who is a teacher in meditation, relaxation and mindfulness from the University of Barcelona. She told us regarding the key points to make the practice of meditation something simple, that you can do every day.

What is meditating?

“Meditation is a practice of self-love in which you declare yourself a priority in your life. It is telling yourself: you do have five minutes to connect with yourself, before solving the world, before going outside, before children, work, stress… before that, you can give yourself time to observe how you feel. “You feel, how you are, what thoughts you have and what state you are in here and now.”

Meditation is one of the many self-care tools that exist.

Sea of ​​the Hill

What is the best time to meditate?

“I think, to start, you have to find the moment that is easiest for you. You should not adapt yourself to meditation. On the contrary, meditation should fit into your schedule,” she explains.
“There is no fixed time that is ideal to meditate. The best is the one that fits your pace of life. For example, it works a lot for me to meditate following exercising because the body is tired, it doesn’t bother as much, and it lets the mind and emotions flow a little more.”

Is meditating blanking your mind?

No! There are many ways to find well-being. Mar del Cerro considers: “I like meditation practice
without demands and without complications. Go testing. The incredible thing is that today we have access to thousands of ways to do this practice: conscious breathing, moving meditation, mindfulness, concentration, guided or accompanied practice with bowls… there are many techniques and traditions! meditative things we can explore! Dare to try until you find the one that really connects with you.”

When you are not well, you cannot be well for others, that is why it is important to meditate.

How does breathing influence when meditating?

“Previously we talked regarding some different techniques and traditions, they all have a lot of different qualities and in all of them the component that is repeated is breathing. Good breathing is the basis of any practice.”
“The best thing is that breathing is something that is in you, you don’t have to invest anything. You don’t have to complicate things. You don’t have to learn anything else. Breathing is one of the things that human beings do and that you can control. Although you don’t control it all the time. You have to recognize that you can contain it, direct it, make it deeper or lighter.”
“There are a lot of scientific studies that have proven how breathing helps you relax, release stress, activate mechanisms in the brain, and the most important is nasal breathing, which you do through your nose.”

What basic guide to meditation do you recommend?

“Sterimar and Medita Podcast created a Breathing Special especially in the process of conscious parenting, it is like a basic well-being guide. We know that breathing is important for us as adults, but it is also important in parenting.”
“Nowadays I see children who are super aware of their breathing, their body and their emotions. Children who can be told by their parents, while they are crying, take a few seconds, breathe deeply and tell me calmly,” he comments and recommends a exercise to calm tantrums
“We invite a conscious parenting expert
to talk to us regarding the importance of breathing in parenting and then we did several exercises, some meditative practices for children
and for adults (almost always practices for children are also ideal for adults).”
“For example, an exercise is called five minutes of breathing. This is great for when you’re feeling overwhelmed. It’s perfect for that moment when you’re super distressed, worried and in a hurry. At that moment, you give yourself five minutes of conscious breathing and all you have to do is follow your breathing (if you get distracted, nothing happens, you return to your breathing until you calm down).”
“Another exercise we invented is the dancers game. Can you locate them? They are those figures that they put on the streets in front of the renovated ones. The game is that when you inhale, you raise your arms and start moving freely, and when you exhale you lower your arms completely and, so to speak, you shut down.”

It’s not as complicated as it seemed, right? We hope this basic guide to meditation helps you breathe inner peace. Because when you are well, you can appreciate your surroundings in a different way, appreciate the small everyday details and find well-being in the here and now.

As a child I wanted to be a storyteller and illustrator, but I found my calling as a lifestyle storyteller.

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