A short week of vacation for members of the government –

In his latest press release, the president of the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, through his Special Advisor and Spokesperson, Colonel Ulrich Manfoumbi Manfoumbi, announced on Sunday that members of the transitional government only have one short week of annual leave.

In this communication, Colonel Manfoumbi reminds, on behalf of the transitional president, all members of the government that “the days of leave granted to them must be taken exclusively within the national territory, and in particular in their respective localities, in order to immerse themselves in the realities and expectations of our compatriots”.

Raymond Ndong Sima and his collaborators are informed that the exceptions to this injunction “will only be made in the event of duly justified force majeure or for proven health reasons and only with the express authorization of the Head of State”.

This provision, the strict observance of which is expected, it is emphasized, aims to “encourage a return to sources and increased proximity with local populations and that any exemption must be the subject of a formal request to be examined with the greatest rigor”hammered Ulrich Manfoumbi Manfoumbi.

Elliott Ana Marvel

2024-08-18 22:18:56
#short #week #vacation #members #government



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