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We publish to you details regarding the star of the Birds of Paradise, Al-Waleed Miqdad, his biography and extensive information regarding height, weight, age, wife, Al-Waleed Miqdad’s private life, religion, nationality, astrological sign, his works and secrets of his life, upcoming projects and biography, special details regarding his life and talent And his favorite sport and academic qualifications.
Who is Alwaleed Miqdad? English name: Waleed Miqdad. Al-Walid Miqdad was born on December 30, 1999. Al-Waleed Miqdad’s age in 2020: 21 years. Birthplace: Born in Jordan.
Nationality of Al-Waleed Miqdad: Jordanian. The length of the newborn Miqdad: 180 cm. The weight of the newborn Miqdad: 79 kg. Al-Waleed Miqdad’s religion: Muslim. Astrological sign: It is Capricorn. Academic/scientific qualification: International Business Administration. Al-Waleed Miqdad’s wife: Nour Ghassan. When did he start his artistic career: He started his artistic career in a year since he was a child at the age of four.