A senior minister responds to Gallant’s request for a discussion: there will be no change in the cabinet’s position regarding the Philadelphia axis

Ministers in the political-security cabinet estimate that the decision made on Thursday night regarding the presence of the IDF in the Philadelphia area will not be reversed.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant demanded, ahead of the cabinet meeting at four o’clock in the afternoon, to vote and reverse the decision that was made by an absolute majority, this against the background of the return of the bodies of the abductees Carmel Gat, Aden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Poulin, Alexander Lubnov, Almog Serosi and Major Uri Danino to the territory of Israel.

“It is too late for the abductees who were murdered in cold blood,” said the minister. “We must return home the abductees who remained in the captivity of Hamas. The State of Israel will reckon with all the leaders and murderers of Hamas, down to the last one of them.”

An inquiry with ministers in the cabinet reveals that Minister Galant’s request is not expected to change the balance of power regarding the decision, since already on Thursday the Defense Minister found himself in a single opinion that the withdrawal of IDF forces from Philadelphia should be agreed to at the request of Hamas as part of a deal.

Cabinet meeting, photo: Kobi Gideon/Leam

On the other hand, all the other ministers (with one exception: Ben Gabir who abstained) supported the maps presented by the Prime Minister, which included the IDF’s holding points in the axis as part of a deal. A senior cabinet minister said today that “it does not appear that there will be any change in the decision that was made.”

Gallant was criticized in the cabinet last Thursday when he attacked Netanyahu and said that he can make any decision he wants, including “killing all the abductees”. Ministers who spoke to “Israel Hayom” immediately after the meeting said “Galant completely lost it. A defense minister cannot lose his temper in a cabinet discussion.”

Those around the minister claimed at the time that his statement came under the auspices of the vote which was held as a surprise and at the height of the debate on the subject. Gallant proposed to the ministers to consider the matter thus: my life abducted versus remaining in Philadelphia for six weeks. As mentioned, the ministers supported Netanyahu’s proposal.

Today, following the murder of the abductees held captive by Hamas, as mentioned, Galant demands a renewed discussion, and now the question is what will happen at the end of another discussion in which, according to estimates, his position will not be accepted.

As we published last Friday, cabinet ministers have already raised the possibility that Gallant may resign when the entire cabinet opposes his positions, but the minister’s surroundings did not address this possibility.

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