A selection of expensive vacancies with a flexible schedule in Yekaterinburg, July 21, 2022 | e1.ru

Salary up to 90 thousand rubles is promised radio engineer and a foreman in the repair of electronic control units of the ECU of the ECU of cars at the company “My Trajectory”. The candidate must have experience in the field of soldering (including infrared), the ability to work with an oscilloscope, multimeter and read datasheets, good eyesight, passion for the profession and a creative approach to non-standard tasks. You can work part time or full time.

The network of educational centers “Bright Children” is looking for teacher in mental arithmetic for online classes. You can work with children from 6 to 14 years old in the morning, in the evenings and on weekends, and also tell parents regarding the results of learning and advise them on the development of the child. The specialist is promised a salary of up to 50 thousand rubles.



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