A scandalous letter from 1919 resurfaces and makes Elizabeth II very uncomfortable

People and royalty

Here is an old handwritten letter found which Queen Elizabeth II would have done well without.

Written in 1919 by Edward VIII, the eldest brother of the Queen’s father, George, it clearly establishes a relationship between the latter and a married woman. It was the Mirror that first revealed this damning evidence of an affair within the British royal family. But what does the letter in question actually say? In it, Edward VIII, former king of England, tells how he helped his younger brother to cheat on his partner with Lady Sheila Loughborough, by taking her husband away so that they could be alone together.

They said they were tired and we left them…

“After tea, I managed to lure Loughie (ed., Lord Loughborough) on the pretext that he wanted to play a few more holes of golf on the course, in order to give Sheilie a chance to be alone with Bertie (ed. , nickname given to George VI by his brother). They said they were tired and we left them…”, explains Elizabeth II’s uncle in the letter. The latter is on sale today at the London auction house “Forum Auctions”, at a starting price of £2,500 or €3,000. The auction will take place on February 10.

In 1919, George VI was only in his twenties. He met Lady Loughborough a year earlier at a ball. Their affair will last two years, until 1920.

Excerpt from the letter in question.

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