A Russian company is offering $70,000 to whoever destroys NATO tanks

The USA and Germany promised to deliver M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. A Russian company has offered a reward to whoever destroys them.

Russian chemical company Fores is offering soldiers a bounty to destroy M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 tanks in Ukraine. The news comes after Washington and Berlin approved the shipments to Kiev last week.

“Russian soldiers who destroy or capture a German Leopard 2 tank or an American Abrams tank will receive a monetary reward” – reads the statement published on the company’s website on Friday in a statement.

“Fores 5 million rubles [70 700 dollár] pays for the first trophy. The payment for each of the following … 500,000 rubles [7 070 dollár] will be”.

The company added that if Ukraine ever acquires F-15 and F-16 fighter jets, Fores will pay a reward of 15 million rubles ($212,100) for the first shot down.

Founded in 2000, Fores is located in Yekaterinburg, Russia.

On Sunday, Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin also offered a bounty on his blog. “Some members of the major contractors have authorized me to inform you that a reward of 10 million rubles ($143,900) is being offered for every destroyed Abrams” – written by.

Berlin said last week it would deliver 14 Leopard 2s to Kiev and gave the green light to other European countries to supply the German-made tanks. Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Germany and its partners wanted to deliver a total of 112 tanks.

Meanwhile, the 31 Abrams tanks promised by the United States must be assembled first. Politico reported last week that “it can take months or even years”, before the vehicles can roll onto the battlefield.

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The Kremlin claimed that Western tanks in Ukraine would be treated as legitimate targets.

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