A rude caller.. (I secretly loved my mother-in-law and wanted to marry her and divorce her daughter, what should I do?) .. The Egyptian preacher Mabrouk Attia shocked everyone with what he said.. An unexpected fatwa!!

Dr. Mabrouk Attia, former dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at Al-Azhar University, was surprised by a question from a person telling him that his heart was attached to the mother of his young wife.

He said that following he wrote his book on the girl, he realized that she did not suit him and might not stand him, and he also might not stand her because of her treatment of him, but at the same time he loved his wife’s mother and entered into himself, and he wanted to marry her and divorce her daughter, even though the mother is 10 years older than him.

For his part, Dr. Attia said that this is never permissible, even if he divorces the girl, because as soon as he concludes the marriage contract on the girl, the mother becomes forbidden to him, and this is a proven jurisprudential rule.

He blamed him for his hurry to marry the girl, and said that the man is supposed to wait before deciding to marry another person, and he must make sure that the other agrees and accepts him, so that such unfortunate stories do not happen following marriage.

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