A Republican member explains the difference between the Biden and Trump documents

News Arabia" that’s an issue Secret documents Found in the home of the Democratic president joe biden It is much more dangerous than the case of the secret documents that were found in the home of former Republican President Donald Trump, because the latter had the power to declassify the documents, while Biden obtained those documents while he was vice president and did not have the power to declassify the documents.".

The White House said Thursday that it had been found "A few" From classified documents at Joe Biden’s private home in Wilmington, Nevada Delawaredating back to his tenure as vice president during the era of Barack Obama.

Other documents were found at a Washington think tank where Biden had an office, an embarrassment to the White House at a time when authorities are investigating a much larger abuse scandal involving the former president. Donald Trump classified documents.

For his part, a member said the Republican Party American Tom Harb, in remarks to the site "Sky News Arabia" The Republican Party views Biden’s obtaining of those secret documents that were found in his home and office as a major scandal, because he did not have the authority to obtain these documents by virtue of his position at the same time.

And he stressed that US officials did what Biden did, but they were tried and imprisoned, which shows that the case is big and serious.

He explained that the most dangerous in the case are the documents that were found in Biden’s office in Uhud University research centersBecause this research center received financial support from the Chinese regime, did Chinese officials see those secret documents? It includes information on Iran, Britain and Ukraine.

He continued it too "It is not known if there were other documents in Biden’s house, and his son was living in the same house for a while, so who were the people who were coming there? And what did they see from those documents?"

he asked: "All of these matters represent a challenge to US national security, and given the length of time these documents remained in Biden’s possession, it is possible that there are other documents that we do not know anything about.".

Tom Harb, director of the American Middle East Coalition for Democracy, said: "I must Congress The investigation into that scandal and serious case requires several people to find out the whole truth, and he must obtain information from the US intelligence service, the Ministry of Justice, and Biden himself if necessary, and from his son and from everyone who lived in this house so that all the circumstances are revealed, and the investigation must also be conducted with Everyone who entered Biden’s office at the University Research Center".

Harb emphasized "The Biden case is much more serious than the case of documents found in Trump’s house, because Biden at that time was vice president and had no power to declassify or obtain documents, while Trump was president of the United States and had the power to declassify all kinds of documents without An exception, and if he says I lifted the confidentiality of the documents, this is taken into consideration because he is the highest authority in the matter United State".

And explain that "Trump when he took the documents home in MarlagoHe placed it in a specific room, and the FBI attended, investigated, and put locks on that room and it was placed under continuous security monitoring, just as every president takes documents with him to the place that is designated for him as a library in the future, and if the president says that he has lifted the secrecy of those documents, then this It means that they have become unclassified, but in the case of Biden, it is certain that they are classified documents so far, because he did not have the authority to declassify the documents by virtue of his position as Vice President at the time.".


A member of the American Republican Party confirmed in statements to “Sky News Arabia” that the case Secret documents Found in the home of the Democratic president joe biden It is much more dangerous than the issue of secret documents that were found in the home of former Republican President Donald Trump, because the latter had the power to declassify the documents, while Biden obtained those documents while he was vice president and did not have the power to declassify the documents.

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The White House said Thursday that it had found “a small number” of classified documents at Joe Biden’s private home in Wilmington, State Delawaredating back to his tenure as vice president during the era of Barack Obama.

Other documents were found at a Washington think tank where Biden had an office, an embarrassment to the White House at a time when authorities are investigating a much larger abuse scandal involving the former president. Donald Trump classified documents.

For his part, a member said the Republican Party American Tom Harb, in statements to Sky News Arabia, said that the Republican Party views Biden’s obtaining of those secret documents that he found in his home and office as a major scandal, because he did not have the authority to obtain these documents by virtue of his position at the same time.

And he stressed that US officials did what Biden did, but they were tried and imprisoned, which shows that the case is big and serious.

He explained that the most dangerous in the case are the documents that were found in Biden’s office in Uhud University research centersBecause this research center received financial support from the Chinese regime, did Chinese officials see those secret documents? It includes information on Iran, Britain and Ukraine.

And he continued, “It is also not known if there were other documents in Biden’s house, just as his son lived in the same house for a while, so who were the people who used to come there? And what did they see from those documents?”

He asked, “All of these matters represent a challenge to US national security, and given the length of time these documents remained in Biden’s possession, it is possible that there are other documents that we do not know anything about.”

Tom Harb, director of the American Middle East Coalition for Democracy, said: Congress The investigation into that scandal and serious case requires several people to find out the whole truth, and he must obtain information from the US intelligence service, the Ministry of Justice, and Biden himself if necessary, and from his son and from everyone who lived in this house so that all the circumstances are revealed, and the investigation must also be conducted with Everyone who entered Biden’s office at the University Research Center.”

Harb stressed that “Biden’s case is much more serious than the issue of documents found in Trump’s house, because Biden at that time was vice president and had no power to declassify or obtain documents, while Trump was president of the United States and had the power to declassify documents.” All types of documents without exception, and if he says I have lifted the confidentiality of the documents, this is taken into account because he is the highest authority in the matter United State“.

He explained that “When Trump took the documents to his home in MarlagoHe placed it in a specific room, and the FBI attended, investigated, and put locks on that room and it was placed under continuous security monitoring, just as every president takes documents with him to the place that is designated for him as a library in the future, and if the president says that he has lifted the secrecy of those documents, then this It means that it has become not confidential, but in the case of Biden, it is certain that it is confidential documents so far because he did not have the authority to declassify the documents by virtue of his position as Vice President at the time.

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