A report to the Attorney General because of Hassan Shakoush.. an accusation of forgery and deception

The followingmath of the Egyptian singer Hassan Shakoush’s crisis and his joining the Musicians’ Syndicate continues, in light of the resignation of Hani Shaker from the Syndicate’s council, and some people became angry over what happened in the Syndicate without their knowledge.

Egyptian singer Helmy Abdel-Baqi, a member of the Syndicate Council, had previously expressed his anger because of Shakoush’s joining the Syndicate without the knowledge or approval of a number of council members.

He returned once more to announce an important matter, following explaining what happened in a video clip he published, in which he confirmed that he went to the union and went to the legal advisor asking for the paper he signed to read it once more.

When he received the paper, he found that it was written on it “legal opinion”, and therefore it is not a decision from them, but the surprise is that some handwritten paragraphs were added that did not exist before.

The biggest surprise is the presence of another paper attached to the first paper, in which he wrote a decision to return Hassan Shakoush to the Musicians’ Syndicate and obtain a permit to practice the profession, without him and some of his colleagues being aware of this paper.

Therefore, Abdel-Baqi announced his intention to submit a report to the Public Prosecutor to investigate that incident, and that he would not remain silent regarding what happened to him and a group of his colleagues following they were deceived, and did not know what they were signing, as well as adding some paragraphs that did not exist previously, referring to That some were aware of this but did not name any names.

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