A renewal for Sorec and a first grant for GPC Papier – Today Morocco

2024-03-06 09:43:53

The commitment of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Horses (Sorec) and GPC paper and cardboard in terms of CSR is bearing fruit. Both entities were awarded the “RSE Label” by the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM). This is a new grant for GPC paper and cardboard and a renewal for Sorec. “The award of this CGEM CSR label recognizes and distinguishes the commitment of these companies to social responsibility in a global management approach and managerial strategy taking into account their interests and the expectations of their various stakeholders” . And to recall that “this Label, granted for a period of three years, is awarded by the Presidency of the Confederation on the advice of the award committee following a managerial evaluation carried out by one of the third-party experts accredited by the CGEM”. It should be noted that the purpose of the evaluation is to ensure compliance of the company’s overall management with the objectives defining the Confederation’s social responsibility charter, which constitutes the label’s benchmark. This charter is structured around nine areas of commitment defined in accordance with national social legislation and with the universal objectives of social and societal responsibility.

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