A real estate expert responds to analysts who expect a collapse in real estate prices

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A real estate expert responded to those who expect a collapse in real estate prices, noting that these analysts are the same ones who predicted a real estate collapse in 2010.

And the real estate expert added in a video clip: “In 2010 the neighborhoods of Riyadh, the meter was from 500 riyals to 600 riyals, and now the meter is 3000 riyals.”

He continued: “The prices of the plots in Riyadh were 70 thousand per piece, and now the price of the piece ranges between 350 thousand riyals to one million riyals, and this is the result of what analysts have said since 2010.”

He added: “The Crown Prince mentioned in his speech that the population of Riyadh will reach 25 million, so will the increase in the population increase real estate prices or lead to a decrease in it?”

He added: “Will the schemes that have not been served by services go down in price after the delivery of services to them, or will it rise?”

He continued his speech, saying: “The sane person is against himself. If we answer these questions, we will know if the property will decrease or rise.”

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