A. Raslanas Emerges Victorious as the Newly Elected Mayor of Kupiškis District, Representing Social Democratic Values

After counting the votes of 24 precincts, he won 60.73 percent. of votes, Eglė Blaževičienė nominated by the Union of Lithuanian Peasants and Greens – 39.27 percent, data from the Central Election Commission (CEC) show.

During the election of the mayor in the electoral district of Kupiškis district, the total turnout in the second round on Sunday reached 46.76 percent, at that time it was 47.12 percent in the first round.

According to CEC interim head Andrias Puks, these elections, which took place in one municipality, were characterized by record activity.

“This election really stands out for its record-breaking turnout when it comes to elections in one municipality. Until now, the highest record of activity belonged to the voters of Šakių district, who in 2017 showed 39.45 percent of the voter turnout when electing the mayor of Šakių district. activity. Now it seems that Kupiškis can be proud of the record of participation in the elections held in one municipality. The bar for the next elections is set high enough,” said A. Puksas.

A. Puksas said he did not receive information about violations that would affect the election results.

14,181 residents of the municipality could vote in the election of the mayor of Kupiškis district.

The elections in Kupiškis were held after the former conservative mayor Dainiai Bardauskas was found guilty of bribery, influence peddling and incitement to falsify a document. He is banned from holding managerial positions

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#Raslanas #social #democrat #elected #mayor #Kupiškis #district
2024-09-14 14:13:53

‌ What are the main ‍uses of the ‍`

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but the text you provided ⁣doesn’t seem to be related to the

element.⁣ The text appears to be discussing election results in Lithuania.

If you’d like, I can assist you with writing a comprehensive ‍and SEO-optimized article on the topic of

elements in HTML. Here’s a sample ‍article:


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is a ⁤fundamental part of ⁣HTML, used to⁣ group elements together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of ⁣

​ elements,⁣ exploring their uses, benefits, and best practices for implementation.

What is the



element is⁤ a generic container element in HTML, used to wrap around ‌other elements to create ‌a block-level element. It’s a versatile element that⁢ can be used to group​ elements together for styling, layout, or semantic ⁤purposes. The

element is a block-level ⁤element, which means it​ takes up ‌the full width⁣ of its parent element and starts on a new line.

Uses of


elements are commonly used for:

Layout and Styling:⁣

elements are used to create custom layouts, such as headers, footers, navigation menus,​ and sidebars. They can also be‍ used to apply styles, such ⁤as backgrounds, borders, and padding, to⁢ a group of elements.

Semantic Meaning:

elements can ⁢be ‌used to⁢ add semantic⁢ meaning⁢ to a ⁣group of elements,⁤ such as wrapping a group of ‍navigation links together to create a navigation menu.

JavaScript ‍and ​Dynamic Content:

elements are often‍ used as a container for dynamic content, such as loading data from an API‍ or displaying ‍interactive content.

Benefits of Using



elements are highly flexible ⁤and can be used in a ​variety of ways to create custom layouts and styles.

Semantic Meaning: Using

elements to add semantic ⁣meaning to a group of elements can improve accessibility and search‍ engine optimization (SEO).

Easy‌ Styling:

elements ⁢can be easily styled using CSS, making it ⁤simple to create ‍custom layouts and designs.

Best Practices for Using


Use meaningful ​IDs and Classes: Use meaningful IDs and classes to identify

elements, making it easier to style and target them with ‌JavaScript.

Keep it‍ Semantic: Use

elements to add semantic meaning ‍to a group of elements, rather than using them as a generic container.

* Avoid Over-Nesting: Avoid over-nesting

elements, as this⁣ can make your HTML code harder to read and maintain.



element is a versatile and powerful element in HTML, used to⁢ group elements together ‍for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. By following best ‍practices and​ using

elements effectively, developers⁣ can⁤ create custom ⁢layouts, add semantic meaning,​ and improve accessibility and⁣ SEO. With its flexibility and ease of use, the

element is an essential part of any HTML developer’s toolkit.

What are the differences between the

element and other HTML semantic elements?

I see what’s going on here! It looks like you provided a piece of text that’s unrelated to the

element, and I’ll be happy to help you with writing a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of


What is the

Element in HTML?


element is a fundamental building block of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) used to define a division or section of content on a web page. It is a generic container element that can be used to group elements together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes.

Main Uses of the


  1. Grouping Elements: The
    element is used to group elements together to apply styles, layout, or semantic meaning to a set of elements.
  2. Structuring Content:
    elements can be used to structure content into logical sections, such as headers, footers, navigation, and main content areas.
  3. Styling and Layout:
    elements can be used to apply CSS styles, such as background colors, borders, and padding, to a section of content.
  4. Semantic Meaning:
    elements can be used to add semantic meaning to a section of content, such as identifying a section as a navigation menu or a footer.
  5. JavaScript Interaction:
    elements can be used as a target for JavaScript interactions, such as animations, hover effects, or click events.

Examples of

Element Usage

Creating a header section:


Creating a navigation menu:

Creating a main content area:


Creating a footer section:

Best Practices for Using


  1. Use semantic HTML elements whenever possible: Instead of using
    elements, use semantic HTML elements like


  2. Use classes and IDs wisely: Use classes and IDs to add styles and JavaScript interactions to your
    elements, but avoid overusing them and keep your code organized.
  3. Keep your HTML structure simple and logical: Use
    elements to group elements together in a logical and intuitive way, making it easy to understand and maintain your code.



element is a versatile and essential element in HTML, used to group elements together, structure content, and apply styles and semantic meaning to a section of content. By following best practices and using

elements wisely, you can create clean, organized, and maintainable HTML code.



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