A rare alignment of planets will take place during Midsummer

On June 24, be sure to look up at the starry sky, as you may see an alignment of five planets there, a rare phenomenon, according to CBS information.

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It is during this evening that Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye. The last time dates back to December 2004, so it’s a phenomenon not to be missed.

This alignment had also been observed on June 3 and 4 with the help of binoculars. But, it will be much easier to spot the five planets on June 24, even if there are clouds present.

For those interested, the best time to observe the alignment will be 45 minutes before sunrise, according to Sky & Telescope.

And that’s not all. The 12 billion year old star cluster M13 will also be visible during the month of June. Stay tuned!

Capture Sky & Telescope

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