a promising new technology

After a slightly disappointing first version, AMD is back with a much more promising FSR 2.0.

AMD announces FSR 2.0: a new technology with great promise

The first version of FidelityFX Super Resolution was not really at the level one could expect. This technique for improving image definition had the merit of being compatible with a very large number of devices, but unfortunately could not compete with its competitor, DLSS.

And for good reason, behind the “FSR” was in fact hiding an algorithm ofupscaling space which degraded the quality of the image, in particular on movements, in comparison with a native image. With FSR 2.0, AMD intends to correct the reproaches made to its technology without sacrificing its qualities.

Temporal upscale

FSR 2.0 takes AMD from simple upscale space atupscale “temporal”. What is the difference ? In the first case, you take a source image and try to increase its definition by filling in the gaps in a logical way. In the second case, you analyze a succession of images to understand the context and strengthen your algorithm. The more data the better and so the algorithms ofupscale temporal offer a better result.

AMD announces FSR 2.0: a new technology with great promise
AMD promises to improve image quality // Source: AMD

It is thanks to this that AMD is able to promise to offer a better quality image than the native definition could have offered.

The trade-off with this technique is that it requires developer integration, as is the case with Nvidia’s DLSS 2.0 or Intel’s XeSS.

What is the difference with DLSS 2.0 or XeSS?

Contrary to the techniques of Intel or Nvidia, AMD FSR 2.0 still does not require specialized hardware in the machine learningand for good reason, Radeon graphics cards do not offer any.

This allows AMD to promise broad compatibility with FSR 2.0, even beyond simple Radeons: your GeForce graphics card or an Intel Arc chip should be compatible. As a reminder, Nvidia requires a GeForce RTX graphics card to use DLSS.

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It remains to be seen whether this technique will be able to offer the same level of image quality and performance as what techniques using machine learning allow. Nvidia’s technology has proven itself. Everything remains to be demonstrated on AMD’s side.

Meet at the GDC

The announcement of FSR 2.0 is really just a way for AMD to teaser a more complete presentation scheduled for March 23 at the Game Developer Conference.

According to AMD, FSR 2.0 should be available from the 2nd quarter of 2022, between April and June therefore.

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