a prevention consultation by physiotherapists?

2024-01-12 07:00:24

Once their Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed, many patients find themselves alone and poorly informed regarding this pathology. In addition, physiotherapy treatment, necessary to slow the progression of the disease, is far from being offered systematically. This is why the France Parkinson association and the French Federation of Physiotherapist Masseurs and Rehabilitators are calling for the establishment of a preventive post-diagnosis consultation for all patients, provided by a physiotherapist. We take stock.

Parkinson’s disease and motor symptoms

Affecting more than 10 million people worldwide, Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease. It is characterized by the progressive destruction of certain brain neurons responsible for producing dopamine. In the absence of dopamine, the patient then experiences motor symptoms such as slowness in initiating movements, muscle stiffness or even tremors at rest.

To know ! Dopamine is a neurotransmitter essential for controlling body movements.

Even though Parkinson’s disease is widespread, this neurodegenerative pathology still remains difficult to detect and its diagnosis is rather late. Added to this is the fact that this pathology is not the subject of any curative treatment to date.

Read also – Gastrointestinal disorders, warning signs of Parkinson’s disease!

Parkinson’s patients lacking information

In this context, and once their Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed, many patients find themselves alone and poorly informed regarding this pathology. What followed were long months of information vacuum before the next appointment with the neurologist.

Furthermore, in private practice, patients are rarely offered a post-diagnosis support consultation. They also do not have access to therapeutic patient education if they are not monitored by hospital centers.

As for the physiotherapy treatment of Parkinson’s disease, it is far from being offered systematically. However, it is essential to slow the progression of the disease. And when it is implemented, it does not meet the recommendations of the High Authority of Health. Indeed, it often begins long following the diagnosis has been made and the nature and frequency of care provided do not correspond to the true needs of patients.

Read also – Parkinson’s disease, walking once more thanks to a neuroprosthesis!

Towards a prevention consultation provided by physiotherapists?

In this context, the France Parkinson association and the French Federation of Physiotherapist Masseurs and Rehabilitators are calling for the establishment of a preventive post-diagnosis consultation provided by a physiotherapist. This consultation would be carried out systematically for any patient who has received a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. It would not require a medical prescription. The idea is to provide therapeutic education to the patient as soon as the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is announced.

This consultation has two objectives:

Evaluate the patient’s physical abilities as well as their motor disorders. Explain how physical activity and rehabilitation are essential in the management of Parkinson’s disease.

Beyond the analysis of physical capacities, this consultation would also be an opportunity for the physiotherapist to offer more global support for the patient with:

Delivery of reliable information for a better understanding of your illness. Referral to other professionals. Encouragement for autonomy.

Of course, at the end of the consultation (an estimated duration of 45 minutes), the physiotherapist would necessarily write a report to be sent to the neurologist and the attending physician. The objective is to ensure optimal care for the Parkinson’s patient.

By promoting physical activity and its regular practice, there is no doubt that this new act of care might play an essential role in preventing the progression of Parkinson’s disease!

Read also – Physical activity to prevent Parkinson’s disease in women?
Déborah L., Doctor in Pharmacy


– Direct access: physiotherapists are on hand for a new prevention consultation www.lequotidiendumedecin.fr. Accessed January 9, 2024.
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