A plea for education – also for us adults

2023-06-13 11:37:47

Educate and ban – that’s what the Greens are repeatedly accused of as a manslaughter argument. So also from the Bavarian Prime Minister Söder, as I read in the SN of June 12th. Why are the terms education and prohibition such irritating words? We (almost) all agree that we want to educate our children. Why do we claim that as adults we no longer need education?
Think of the smoking ban – does anyone think that smokers gave up smoking in pubs just because of the good arguments?

Would the dog owners pick up their four-legged friend’s cackle only if we asked them?
Would we separate the garbage without being educated to do so by a law?
What regarding driving – without education and bans, would we stick to a 50 limit or stop at the zebra crossing?
Would we swap our heating for the sake of the environment without a law?
Would we use public transport if the car is parked in front of the door and the fuel is cheap?
If we were to think regarding saving water, would we build more sustainably, buy more, convert agriculture to organic, oblige industry to reduce emissions … without education, without rules and bans?
By the way, you also educate each other in the interpersonal area – if my partner tells me that something regarding my behavior bothers him, I should think regarding it and not point out indignantly to my allegedly already completed education.
Education and laws are needed everywhere, on the one hand because there is still a lot to learn in the course of a lifetime and on the other hand because we humans tend to be selfish and the shirt is closer to us than the skirt – in other words, our own comfort and our benefit is closer than climate targets and general welfare.
Conclusion – let’s not wall ourselves in, but leave a crack in the door for education!

Uta Perz, 5760 Saalfelden

#plea #education #adults



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