A player finds a priceless treasure in his grandfather’s attic, completely by chance!

2023-05-23 18:40:02

Game news A player finds a priceless treasure in his grandfather’s attic, completely by chance!

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When cleaning his grandfather’s house, this player certainly did not expect to discover such a treasure. It was only when he opened it that he understood what it really contained and how invaluable all this could be. During all these years, his grandfather had carefully guarded his entire collection of 8-bit and 16-bit games, and it contained real gems that made Reddit users react, in a mixture of nostalgia and jealousy. .

This player is directly relapsed into childhood in front of this card kept by his grandfather

When you are a fan of video game consoles, you sometimes have to make room to accommodate new models. Since the creation of the first living room machines, one generation has always chased another and, for these models, it was very often the direction of the closet, the cellar or the attic that was taken.. However, not all of them have made the choice to keep them preciously and are probably in danger of biting their fingers, and all the more so with the passing years. Today, many players scour flea markets and other garage sales looking for copies they once sold or rare items missing from their collection. Recently, one of the players registered on the Reddit social network made a wonderful discovery.

It is on the r/gaming subreddit that user Kyrosnick posted a box filled to the brim that would make any collector salivate. For the record, it was while cleaning his grandfather’s house that this player made this astonishing discovery which, by the way, brought back a whole host of memories. Without expecting it, the player came across his old collection of 8-bit and 16-bit titles from the era, carefully kept by his grandfather.. When taking this picture and posting it on Redditthe player had not yet made an inventory of everything he could find there. Nevertheless, the surface showed games that quickly aroused the nostalgia of users who passed by.

A box full of colors… and nostalgia, NES and Mega Drive games galore

Is there any greater satisfaction than falling back, inadvertently, on our old collection of games, the very one that made us love video games and which constitutes the beginnings of our passion? Anyway, for user Kyrosnick, this simple sight must have reminded him of a whole bunch of times spent on Nintendo and Sega consoles, specifically the NES. (Nintendo Entertainment System) and the Genesis (the name given to the Mega Drive, across the Atlantic). Yo! Noid, Cobra Triangle, Adventures of Lolo, Robocop, Captain Skyhawk, Bad Dudes, Ecco the Dolphin, Road Rash, Golden Axe 2, ToeJam & Earl, Ranger X… And again, these are not the only carefully guarded boxes that were safe in this box: a good handful of other names are there !

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Photo credit: Kyrosnick (via Reddit)

Indeed, the list does not stop there and, after plunging with both hands joined in this box teeming with surprises, Kyrosnick brought to the surface a handful of other titles like Jaws, Dragon Spirit, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Metal Storm, Super Street Fighter 2, Streets of Rage, Mortal Kombat 2, Fatal Fury, James Pond 2 or Sonic 2 et 3. You can even see a cartridge Game Genie which is nothing more than a device, developed by Codemasters, used to cheat on certain particularly tricky games of the time ! In the comments, it’s a wave of nostalgia (and a bit of jealousy) that hit both the vision of these boxes brought back memories full of positive emotions (just like Blaster Master, Bad Dudes or Dragon Spirit) or crippled with cold sweats as they seemed insurmountable to those who had also acquired it (Battletoads, Yo! Noid, Jaws).

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