a plan unveiled to prevent their proliferation

Three targeted actions

Faced with these risks, the unveiled plan includes three different components. The first, monitoring tiger mosquito populations. Over the years, they increase more and more. second aspect, the medical supervision of people contaminated after being bitten by a tiger mosquito. On this point, it is expected that a ” insecticidal treatment » total is achieved in the places frequented by the patient indicates the press release.

Finally, last action: public awareness. By simple gestures, everyone can limit the expansion of the tiger mosquito. Among the good reflexes to have It is absolutely necessary to remove stagnant water. This is where the insect breeds. For example, you need store buckets and wheelbarrows, clean gutters or take care to properly maintain the water in your swimming pool. In the checklist published by several ARS. It is stated that this insect lives within a radius of 150 meters from where it was born.

Read also 3 essential products to protect against insects

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