A piano at Sainte-Anne hospital, do you like it?

2023-06-02 14:11:42

For the 9th year, a piano will be installed in the park of Sainte Anne Hospital, in Paris, for almost 3 weeks, from June 19 to July 6, 2023. The opportunity for everyone, healthcare users, caregivers, visitors , musicians… to play, declaim, slam, sing, dance, alone or with others… Does the music sing to you?

The initial idea is to make a piano available to everyone so that everyone can play freely, share, listen to music. The piano then takes on even more value in a hospital, a psychiatric one to boot. Bringing art into the hospital, creating a space of freedom, breaking down barriers to encourage encounters and everyone’s expression, such is the goal. And to respond to it, patients, staff, residents of the neighborhood… full citizens, actors in their city, in their environment.

“Breaking indifference, regaining possession of our environment and repositioning art at the heart of public space. »

Many people have participated in this event in previous years. As an artist, professional, amateur, beginner or simple spectator, gathered around the piano for a moment of play and listening. The word circulates, meetings are made. We no longer know who is who and it doesn’t matter! The piano becomes a meeting place. Some (staff and patients) also came with their instrument, guitar, violin, saxophone, clarinet, flute… to play together, “to jam”! In addition to this provision, “micro concerts and other impromptu” are organized to give a first impetus, to invite patients and teams to accompany those who cannot go out alone. Make alive! This program is eclectic since there are singing workshops from hospital services, amateur and professional musicians. And proposals towards poetry, slam, reading of texts by authors or theater and dance, are also welcomed!

“String quartet, jazz quartet, accordion, solo piano, 4 hands… Music, theatre, song, cabaret, dances, percussion, choirs, poetry…. These are always moments of rich and intense sharing appreciated by all”.

Believe that anything is possible? Yes and all ideas are welcome. The starting point is the piano. It must be played and everyone can play it as they wish!

En pratique 
Le piano sera ouvert tous les jours de 9h à 18h, du 19 juin au 6 juillet 2023. Il est au milieu du parc de l'hôpital, à ciel ouvert, loin de l'agitation urbaine. Tous les instruments acoustiques sont les bienvenus. Possibilité de sonoriser la voix ou quelques instruments. Les micros concerts sont programmés en milieu d'après- midi. La durée prévue est de 3/4h-1h mais cela reste souple. Nous ne pouvons hélas pas donner de cachet. Nous ne comptons que sur l'envie et la volonté de chacun. L'idée étant de partager sa musique, ses textes ou sa danse. Nous ne demandons pas de prestation parfaite mais juste du plaisir à partager avec simplicité.

“A project to share, to value… and why not to reproduce! ”

• Vincent Chielens, art therapist nurse, Activities Reception, Sector 3, Pavillon Lévy Valensi, Center Hospitalier Sainte Anne, 1 rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris. v.chielens@ghu-paris.fr; 01 45 65 84 24 / 06 16 70 68 69.

#piano #SainteAnne #hospital



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