A “pause” by “Janoubia” with the poet Talal Haidar with his “passing poem like birds”

The poem is the beautiful awareness that paints the beauty of man and life. No matter the diversity of poetry, and no matter how crystallized and oriented the poem is, in form and content, it remains a beacon by which every person guides himself, to himself and to the world. So how if the poem stems from the depths of life and the soul, so how if poetry is the language – the mirror of man?

Most of the spoken poems he wrote became famous and spread throughout life, and he did not settle in a final privacy, but his poems continued and continued and reached the widest range.

And the Lebanese poet Talal Haidar, who wrote poetry in the Lebanese dialect and reached it to the widest extent, is one of the poets who enriched the poem with language, image, meaning and significance. to a wider extent.
As if the poet’s poem was not read, his poems were not only read, even if reading them was fraught with beautiful dangers, but also moved and centered these poems in the essence, in the human depth, in high taste, in charming voices like the voice of Mrs. Fairouz who sang the most beautiful poems he wrote Talal Haidar, and the poem “Wahdan”, which was composed by Ziad Rahbani, or the poem “Ya Shepherd of the Canes” and others, or the many poems carried by the artist Marcel Khalife’s voice, and the poem “Rise up on the mind” is still heard by the large audience. Likewise, the great artist Wadih Al-Safi, the artist Magda Al-Roumi, the artist Jahida Wehbe, the artist Omaima Al-Khalil, and others, sang from Haider’s poems, and these poems were like the moment that seeks the psychological and aesthetic stability of man..

These poems were the moment that sought the psychological and aesthetic stability of man

The poet also wrote lyrical plays such as the play “Knights of the Moon” for the Caracalla troupe.. There is a lot of talk regarding the achievements of the poem that Talal Haidar wrote in the Lebanese dialect, and it is truly worthy of the high taste that addresses time in all its diversities. It is enough to mention what he wrote in one of his poems so that we can calm down and start. With imagination, we practice amazement: “Hey/ like something with a reed quill/ and it’s/ like the Arabic letter/ raised with the damma/ erected with the fatha/ and with the fatha he escaped/ but he gets distracted by his mind/ he becomes wow and noun/ and he stays as he is/ he becomes a hamza/ or he becomes a sukoon..”

Poetry is life, and it is the tone that makes the soul happy and gives life a taste of happiness

Our poet, who has published many books of poetry, including “The Time Has Come,” “The Secret of Time” and other treasures of poetry, talks regarding poetry, during a “pause” with him in the Russian Cultural Center, and says: “Poetry is life, and it is the tone that cheers the soul and gives life a taste.” happiness. Poetry is the glory of man and life, and it remains the moment that gives its owner privacy that cannot be reached easily. Poetry today and tomorrow, as it was before, is the greatest joy and happiness that gives a lot to life itself and makes it more present in joy. Poetry is the human being.

Poet Talal Haider

And regarding the poem in the Lebanese vernacular, he says: “The spoken word is the speech with which we draw life as we see it and feel it, and the spoken language remains the speaking language for ourselves, so that we can pray and rest.” In the name of things, and it is the fastest and quiet form that gets us to where we want, and the Lebanese spoken is the vessel of speech and feeling through which we can contain life more..The Lebanese spoken is the continuous language from which we look to the world and see more with it and through it. The Lebanese spoken is fine, thank God.”
ــ Why did the poet choose to write in spoken language?
I did not choose the spoken language that chose me. I write the poem, and it is not necessary for us to stop at the form of the poem. To generate the poem and the rest are details. Writing a poem is more important than everything, as it is the poem that creates language and form. Every poem creates its own language with it.
ــ Don’t you see that the spoken word is the most capable of the poem and brought it into the realm of poetry?
I have always said that it is the poem that creates the language. There is poetry and a poem, and then it is possible to talk regarding the language in which we write. All the importance belongs to the poem, because it emerges from the depths of the self, from the soul, from the depths and sensations that move in the inwardness of life and man. For the form and the course in which it goes and through it. The poem does not need language as much as it invents the language, and the more the poem flares up and crackles, the more it is able to crystallize the language and pull it into stature, structure or frame.
ــ But despite what you said, the spoken language remains more widespread and reaches the human segments. Is this not evidence of the ability of the spoken language to poetry and poetics more than others, and I mean classical language?
There is no doubt that the spoken word is more present in circulation, and it carries a lot of the seeds of the poem and poetry, but each spoken or colloquial has a specificity within poetry and poetics, but despite that it cannot be compared to classical or the other language, each poem has its own specificity, concerns, aesthetics, and its approach to life. Its frame according to its own standards. Hence, it is not permissible to compare one language with another within the framework of poetry and poems.
ــ Did you write poetry in classical Arabic?
Yes, I wrote in the classical language, and I have poems in the classical language, but most of my writings are in the Lebanese spoken language, and this matter is due to my relationship with the poem – which led me to the spoken language –
ــ You wrote simple life in your poems, as well as ideas that address time, people, and women… What does your poem say today?
I wrote a lot regarding life, people, place and time, and I am still writing regarding life with all its times, places, and people. Writing for me is an activity that contributes to drawing the picture on its foundations. These pillars of writing and the poem are established and continuous, and they take shapes and colors in their growing path, and at every stage they move The words are according to the origins of their meaning and seek to settle in the space of the new and renewed meaning..My poem is my current state, my circumstances, my place, my time, my people, the customs of my family and a place of residence for all my questions, joys and sorrows. Its limits can never be limited. For me, a poem is honesty in life in order to reach what is farther, deeper, more beautiful, thinner, and finer.

Poet Talal Haider and writer Ismail Fakih

ــ The woman wrote and flirted with her, what does the woman mean to you?
Woman is life, she is the poem, and she is the time through which we can get to know life more and more. The woman in my poem is the epitome of joy and existence, and she is basically the refuge that gives us happiness when we seek her or when we evoke her in our times, knowing that she is the one who evokes us the more we evoke her. or access it.
Is the poem distinguished if it addresses women?

The woman and the poem take turns distinguishing, so how do we distinguish between them? The woman is a poem and the poem is a woman.
ــ How do you explain the presence of your poem in the song, especially since the most beautiful songs from Mrs. Fairouz, Marcel Khalifa and others were from your words?
The poem cannot stop at the limits of its writing only, it is continuous in sound and melody, and when the melody embraces my poem, this confirms that it is a poem plucked from the land of life.
ــ Who is the most important spoken poet today?
When a poet is born in life, the world changes and life turns in a special and fertile direction.
ــ Means?
Poets are few, and inevitably there is the most important poet.
ـــ What regarding love in the life and poems of the poet?
Love is the basis for every action and activity that we do in this life, and if the scene changes and love goes to other than time, then life becomes not time and place.

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