“A pattern already seen with Berlusconi” –

Dario Martini

“Against Arianna, squalid and desperate moves. If it were true, it would only demonstrate that we are dismantling a system that is holding the country hostage.” Giorgia Meloni entrusts these words to Ansa to comment on the “shadows” of investigations that would concern her sister. It all started with yesterday morning’s editorial by the director of “Il Giornale” Alessandro Sallusti with the eloquent title: “They want to investigate Arianna Meloni.” The theory is the following: the head of the political secretariat of Fratelli d’Italia would be the victim of a conspiracy that moves along three lines: “A biased prosecutor’s office, a couple of complicit journalists and a political group that acts as a support.” In practice, the so-called Palamara method. The prosecutor’s office is still unknown, while according to this reconstruction, the newspapers in question (even without naming them) would be “Il Fatto quotidiano” and “la Repubblica”, which in recent days, on August 13 and 14, evoked the role of Arianna Meloni in the nominations regarding Rai and an alleged change at the helm of Trenitalia. The political group, on the other hand, is Italia Viva, so much so that the director of “il Giornale” cites the national coordinator Raffaella Paita, the deputy Maria Elena Boschi and the leader Matteo Renzi himself. Yesterday all three asked for a peremptory denial, renewing at the same time the invitation to Arianna Meloni to clarify.

Cacciari Avalanche on the Left. Magistrates and Politics: A 30-Year-Old Story

But what would be the supposed crime behind this conspiracy? It is always Sallusti who hypothesizes it, using a statement by Paita herself, when the senator spoke of “influence on appointments” referring to Arianna. Translated: influence peddling. Ninthly, the Undersecretary of Justice Andrea Delmastro comments: “We have gone too far by associating the magic word “influence” with Arianna Meloni and therefore indirectly accusing her of a crime: influence peddling. We are convinced that the now evident attempt to fuel a media storm and perhaps even a judicial one will come to nothing”. The suspicion, among the ranks of the majority, is that a possible investigation has the very objective of blocking the justice reform so hated by the red robes. For Giorgia Meloni it is “a pattern seen and reviewed, especially against Silvio Berlusconi – she tells Ansa – A system of power that uses every method and every subterfuge in order to defeat a political enemy that wins the democratic competition at the ballot box. They have sifted through my life and that of every person close to me without finding anything to attack us. If it were true that now they have moved on to the mud machine and the construction of theorems at the table in the hope of some imaginative investigation against the people closest to me, starting with my sister Arianna, it would be very serious”.

Sinister maneuvers against the government, FdI close ranks on Arianna Meloni

Giovanni Donzelli, MP and head of organization of FdI, explains what – in his opinion – is the strategy behind all this: «Arianna’s only fault is being Giorgia’s sister. There could be an attempt to pollute democracy, to influence, weaken and blackmail the government through this low and surreal move. A conspiracy of journalists, left-wing politicians and compliant magistrates to create a political event. Be careful, not to ascertain a hypothetical crime». While Senator Michaela Biancofiore, president of the Civici d’Italia group, «the attack on Arianna is disturbing, a blackmail on nominations».
On the opposition front, a hyper-guarantor like Enrico Costa of Azione intervenes: «Here we go again. Sallusti launches the trailer of a film already seen too many times. A crime with a famous surname is evoked, an investigation is opened, behind-the-scenes stories in the newspapers, requests for clarification in Parliament, calls for resignations and in a few years “poof”, all in nothing. What a drag».

#pattern #Berlusconi #Tempo
2024-08-19 06:21:23



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