A participant in Pasaplatos began to cry for an unexpected reason

2023-05-03 03:14:54

In the midst of her participation in the El Trece cooking reality show, “Hatchet”, a contestant began to cry and surprised the driver Cute Zampini who consoled him with a hug.

In full preparation of the dough for his empanadas, Alexander blushed and Zampini noticed his annoyance so he requested the assistance of Roberto Ottini, the show’s head chef.

Without further explanations, the participant burst into tears and the driver tried to reassure him with a hug while asking him for a glass of water.

At that moment, overcome by the situation, Alejandro revealed the reason that had him anguished. “My dog ​​died two days ago” revealed through tears. The contestant recovered and was able to complete his preparation.

Pasaplatos, El Trece’s commitment to the “MasterChef” style

«Pasapalotos», the new program led by Dear Zampini, started two weeks ago on the screen of The thirteen at 2:30 p.m.

The culinary reality tries repeat the formula for success of MasterChef on Telefe although the actress was already in charge of a similar program called “El gran premio de la cocina”.

“Pasaplatos” has not yet managed to establish itself on the screen of El Trece and in recent days was surpassed in rating by “Cortá por Lozano”, direct competition of Telefe.

#participant #Pasaplatos #began #cry #unexpected #reason

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