A. Paleckis, convicted of espionage, will be tried for defamation and public support for international crimes

According to the pre-trial investigation, in September last year. At the end of the year, A. Paleckis, while serving his prison sentence in Kaunas prison, allegedly slandered Laurynas Kasčiūnas, a member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the chairman of the National Security and Defense Committee of the Republic of Lithuania, through a public information tool during a telephone conversation. On one social network channel, the accused, it is believed, intentionally, with the aim of disparaging and humiliating a member of the Seimas, publicly made false, untrue and humiliating statements about him.

During the pre-trial investigation, enough data was collected, which allows us to reasonably state that in 2022 in October A. Paleckis publicly supported international crimes, the crimes of the USSR or Nazi Germany, denied them or grossly belittled them. During the same public information broadcast on one social network, during a telephone conversation from the place of imprisonment, speaking about the Lithuanian post-war armed resistance, he presented the Lithuanian post-war armed resistance as a damage caused to Lithuania by the United States, allegedly denigrated the participants of the post-war armed residence, attributing to them only negative aspects of the struggle motives and concealing the purpose of the resistance struggle to defend Lithuania’s freedom.

With such insults and public statements, the accused denied and grossly belittled the USSR’s responsibility for the genocide committed during the post-war armed resistance in Lithuania, shifting the responsibility to the USA and silencing the role of the USSR and belittling the participants of the post-war armed resistance in Lithuania.

The pre-trial investigation was organized and led by the prosecutor of the Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office, the investigation was conducted by the officers of the Vilnius County Chief Police Commissariat.

The accused does not admit his guilt. A. Palecki’s responsibility is aggravated by the fact that he committed the criminal act while convicted of an intentional crime without the conviction having expired, that is, as a recidivist.

In the Criminal Code, the most severe punishment for defamation of a person is imprisonment for up to one year. Anyone who publicly approved international crimes, the crimes of the USSR or Nazi Germany, denied them, or grossly belittled them, is severely punished by imprisonment for up to two years.

The criminal case was transferred to the Kaunas Chamber of the Kaunas District Court.

#Paleckis #convicted #espionage #defamation #public #support #international #crimes
2024-09-01 07:00:13



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