A Nyírmegyes teacher stripped his students to their underwear as punishment, the police launched an investigation

A teacher at an elementary school in Nyírmeggyes punished students who, in his opinion, behaved badly by challenging them to the blackboard and stripping them to their underwear in front of the class. Outraged parents are For ATV News reported what happened. The parents found out about the incident in the summer and informed the school management about what happened, but according to their claim, the teacher has been teaching at the institution ever since.

“It felt really bad like that in front of the whole class”

said one of the students stripped to their underwear, who were punished by the teacher just because they ran around the hall. For a long time, the children did not even dare to tell the story. In the summer, however, the parents also found out how the teacher punished the students. One parent, for example, told ATV that only the panties were left on his child.

“She was embarrassed to have to strip and her little t-shirt had to be taken off and she wasn’t wearing a top when it happened”

said the mother, whose daughter changed schools because of what happened. He added that he took his child out of school because he did not feel it was safe for this teacher to continue teaching at the institution. Another parent heard about the incident from her child. The child said that after she had to take off her top, she covered her chest “so that she wouldn’t embarrass herself more in front of the class.”

Several of the parents filed a report, some of whom have already been questioned as witnesses. The ATV staff searched for the head of the school, but he refused to comment. The head of the school district was in a meeting, so he didn’t get to deal with the matter.

The Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police Headquarters replied to Telex’s inquiry that the police are conducting an investigation “on suspicion of endangering a minor”.

We also asked the Nyírmeggyes elementary school and the school district about what happened, but no answer was received until the publication of our article.



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