A number of chicken farming companies disclose sales data and the industry may continue to thrive in the new year_Stock Channel_证券星星

(Original title: A number of chicken farming companies disclose sales data and the industry may continue to thrive in the new year)

Recently, a number of chicken farming companies released their sales in December 2022. Affected by the epidemic and other factors, chicken sales in the last month of 2022 will be affected, but there is still a significant year-on-year increase.

At present, due to the insufficient number of introductions of grandparent chickens, white-feathered chickens are ushering in a new round of upward market. Industry analysts believe that due to the peak consumption season of the Spring Festival, the demand for chicken and related products will increase, and if feed prices can continue to decline and chicken prices will gradually rise, it will be a good situation for listed chicken raising companies, which can further expand chicken farming. The profit margin of the enterprise.

Multiple companies disclosed12monthly sales

On the evening of January 10, Yisheng Co., Ltd. announced that in December 2022, the sales volume of white feather broiler chicks was 39.1508 million, and the sales revenue was 94.1612 million yuan. . The sales volume of Yisheng 909 small white-feathered broiler chickens was 7.7458 million, and the sales revenue was 10.262 million yuan, with month-on-month changes of -16.29% and -25.72% respectively.

Yisheng shares said that due to the impact of the new crown infection of slaughterhouse employees, the slaughter capacity was underutilized, resulting in a drop in the price of chickens and chicks. In addition, December 2022 is the suspension period for commercial generation chicks, and the sales volume of the company’s white-feathered broiler chicks has decreased month-on-month, resulting in a month-on-month decrease in the company’s sales revenue of white-feathered broiler chicks in December 2022. With the gradual recovery of slaughtering capacity in slaughterhouses, the prices of raw chickens and chicks have gradually increased.

On the same day, Sunner Development announced that in December 2022, it will achieve sales revenue of 1.535 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.54% and a month-on-month increase of 1.77%.

A few days ago, Xiantan shares, Minhe shares, and Lihua shares also released a sales briefing for the month.

Xiantan Co., Ltd. announced that in December 2022, the sales revenue of chicken products will be 534 million yuan, and the sales volume will be 48,400 tons.

Minhe Co., Ltd. announced that in December 2022, it will sell 9.9406 million commercial chicks, a year-on-year change of -21.69% and a month-on-month change of -60.28%; sales revenue is 12.453 million yuan, a year-on-year change of -36.78% and a month-on-month change of -86.39%.

In December 2022, the price of chicks experienced large fluctuations, and the sales of Minhe shares were also greatly affected.

Minhe shares stated that the sales volume of the company’s commodity chicks fell by 60.28% month-on-month, mainly due to the suspension of incubation this month and the decrease in the company’s hatching volume (suspended hatching: it is caused by the hatchery to prevent chickens from being slaughtered during the Spring Festival holiday. annual routine to avoid production in advance). The decline in the hatching of chicken chicks and the drop in the sales price of chicken chicks this month also caused the sales revenue of Minhe Co., Ltd.’s commodity chick chicks to decline year-on-year and month-on-month.

In addition, Lihua announced that in December 2022, 37.4264 million broilers (including chickens, slaughtered products and cooked products) will be sold, with sales revenue of 1.049 billion yuan and an average selling price of chickens of 13.16 yuan/kg, a month-on-month change of 6.60% respectively. , -6.51%, -12.33%, year-on-year changes were 8.24%, 3.25%, -7.32% respectively.

2022The industry has experienced many challenges

Looking back on 2022, the chicken industry has experienced many challenges such as sluggish consumption during the epidemic and a sharp increase in the price of raw materials, especially the chickling link. In the middle of last year, the price of chicklings once soared to a new record, but fell back to the “cabbage price” at the end of the year. “.

The data shows that in December 2022, following the hatching period, the price of white-feathered chickens has continued to hover at a low level, and the overall price is in a weak state. On January 3 this year, the national average price of white-feathered chickens was 0.87 yuan/feather, compared with the previous period of suspension of seedlings. The average price fell by 20.18% before. Since then, the price of chicken chicks has risen once more. As of January 9, the national average price of white-feathered chicken chicks was 1.73 yuan per feather, a daily increase of 29.61%.

The price of chickens is like the habit of chickens, and they like to “jump up and down”. However, from the perspective of the industry, the price of chickens has fluctuated greatly before the year, which is a normal phenomenon. From the perspective of the past years, following the suspension period, the price of chickens will fluctuate greatly. In particular, the epidemic factor has also had a certain impact on the industry.

For the operation under the current industry background, companies in the industry are still optimistic.

Shengnong Development stated in the announcement that in 2022, in the face of industry challenges, the company will continue to improve its management level, promote cost reduction and efficiency enhancement measures, and achieve multiple indicators such as production capacity, income, and sales during the industry’s downturn period. The comparative advantage of other companies in the industry. On the other hand, Sunner Development has completed the investment in Henan Sensheng Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. While increasing the production of broiler chickens, it has also expanded the company’s industrial chain horizontally to the field of broiler chickens, laying a solid foundation for the realization of the company’s “14th Five-Year Plan”. A solid foundation.

Shengnong Development also stated that in 2022, all links of the industrial chain will achieve good development. “In the upstream poultry breeding and processing sector, in the first year of sales of its own provenance, Shengze 901, the company’s supplementary and renewal volume of grandparent chickens has exceeded 20% of the national total, laying a solid foundation for the sales increase of parent chickens in 2023 At the same time, benefiting from the continuous improvement of breeding and management levels and the performance advantages of its own provenance, the company’s annual comprehensive breeding efficiency continued to rise, and the annual European index increased by nearly 2% year-on-year. The downstream deep-processed meat products sector, While achieving both revenue and sales growth, brand promotion continued to upgrade, among which the C-end channel contributed significantly to the annual performance, not only maintained a high-speed growth in revenue, but also achieved outstanding success in the strategy of popular products, and continued to increase profitability.”

Looking at 2022, the chicken industry will usher in an improvement in prosperity in the second half of the year. According to the disclosure of relevant listed companies, sales data will increase month by month. Industry insiders pointed out that from the perspective of broiler farming, the industry is currently in a stage of climbing from the bottom up, and it may continue in 2023.

The industry is optimistic regarding the new year market

At present, the insufficient introduction of grandparent chickens is the main supporting factor for the new round of white-feathered chickens.

It is understood that due to avian influenza and flight restrictions, from May 2022 to the present, the number of introductions of grandparent broiler breeders in my country has dropped sharply. Yisheng shares said in a previous survey that at present, the influencing factors are still there, and it is expected that the amount of introduction in 2023 will not be too much.

According to statistics from the China Animal Husbandry Association, from January to November 2022, the number of renewals of ancestral white-feathered broiler breeders in my country is 860,000 sets, and it is estimated that the number of renewals of ancestral broiler breeders for the whole year will not exceed 1 million sets.

Due to the reduction in supply, the price of chicken fry once rose sharply. As companies that own the business of chicken fry, companies such as Yisheng Stock and Minhe Stock have gained high attention.

In a recent investor survey, Yisheng shares revealed its plan for 2023. The company said that in 2023, the company’s normal introduction plan for grandparent broiler breeders is regarding 300,000 sets per year, maintaining a 1/3 market share of the company’s grandparent broiler breeders. However, affected by factors such as bird flu in the United States, the supply of breeders in the United States is tight, and the company’s final introduction number depends on whether the factors affecting the supply of breeders are alleviated or eliminated.

In terms of production capacity, Yisheng expects that the output of commercial generation white feather broiler chicks will be 580 million in 2023, a slight increase from 2022, mainly due to the increase in the number of breeding and breeding efficiency brought regarding by the change in breeding mode. In 2023, the production of white-feathered broiler chicks of the parent generation will also depend on the introduction of the company’s grandparent breeders in the first quarter.

For the market outlook of the industry, the industry and brokerage institutions are relatively optimistic.

China Post Securities stated that the impact of the upstream supply shortage will gradually be transmitted from top to bottom to the parent generation, commodity generation, broiler and other links. It is expected that the white-feather broiler industry chain will continue to thrive.

East Asia Qianhai Securities believes that following the Spring Festival, the market is often sluggish, and the production capacity of farmers takes the initiative to reduce or occur, which is good for the chicken market in the future. At the same time, the transmission of the introduction gap is expected to be gradually fulfilled, and the price of commodity seedlings will rise in the first half of 2023.

According to the analysis of industry insiders, from the perspective of the supply side, the current mood for stock replenishment is not good. After the Spring Festival, there will be a problem of shrinking chicken supply, which will support the price of chickens; After a period of time to digest, there are conditions for getting the goods. In addition, the current downstream consumer market has released some positive signals. If feed prices can continue to decline and chicken prices rise gradually, the profit margins of chicken enterprises can be further expanded.



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