A new way to predict cancer has been discovered

2023-08-02 12:27:00

Cancer is the leading cause of death in men and the second in women.

Between the ages of 25 and 65, the risk of developing cancer skyrockets to 4,000%.

However, according to the association La Ligue contre le cancer, in France, 40% of cancers are preventable.

Since 1990, the number of cancers has been increasing: 433,136 cases for the year 2023 according to Public Health France.

In men, prostate cancer dominates, followed by lung and colorectal cancer.

In women, breast cancer is the most common, followed by colorectal and lung cancer.

Scientific research makes every effort to be able to predict and treat cancer, but also to understand its mechanisms and origins.

We know that the crab is more likely to develop with age but we didn’t know exactly why. A team of American scientists has just provided part of the answer through a study recently published in Science Advances.

According to this, the phenomenon of DNA methylation (modifications and alterations of its structure) would be induced by diseases generally related to age such as cancer, atherosclerosis or dementia. Researchers have thus shown that a “fingerprint” present in our cells and specific to aging might make it possible to anticipate cancer.

CellDRIFT: a “fingerprint” of our cells that can reveal cancer

To reach these conclusions, the researchers developed cellular models that isolate an mDNA (aging-related fingerprint) signal called CellDRIFT to better understand how it drives cancer.

“CellDRIFT intensifies in aging tissue, cancerous tissue, and even normal tissue taken from cancer patients,” the report from Yale University states.

The researchers hope that this research will help scientists “better understand how to delay the onset of chronic diseases such as cancer that appear to be linked to aging and help people live longer, healthier lives.” »

Reduce the risk of cancer

It is possible to act in order to avoid developing cancer, in particular by modifying our daily behavior and our lifestyles as well as by reducing our exposure to the main avoidable risk factors for cancer, as explained by the National Institute of cancer: “It is recommended not to smoke, to moderate alcohol consumption, to have a varied and balanced diet, to watch your weight, to practice regular physical activity and to avoid exposure to UV radiation. »

The importance of getting diagnosed

Diagnosis is also essential and yet too little done in France. Indeed, a recent study by Public Health France showed that screening rates for colorectal and breast cancer specifically are decreasing.

“Detecting cancer at an early stage of its development significantly increases the chances of recovery. Some cancers can be spotted by simple tests. These tests make it possible to identify, in a population at average risk of cancer, subjects who have cancer but do not show symptoms. In France, national screening programs have been set up for three cancers: breast, colorectal and cervix” explains Public Health France.

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