A new ventilator invented in just ten days

A new ventilator invented in just ten days

A British company that manufactures vacuum cleaners has invented a new ventilator in just ten days that will play an important role in providing medical aid to patients severely affected by the corona virus.

According to the news, the British company “Dyson”, which manufactures vacuum cleaners and other such household products, has not only invented a new ventilator called “CoVent” in ten days, but also commercialized it. An immediate preparation plan has also been made.

This ventilator is very lightweight and compact enough to be placed at the bedside to perform all the tasks that are performed by bulky ventilators in hospitals.
James Dyson, the founder and head of the company, says that a week and a half ago, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called him and asked if he could help the “National Health Service” there by providing ventilators. Whereupon he put his team to work designing the new ventilator, which is ready to go into production in ten days.

The Dyson company plans to immediately produce 15,000 such ventilators, of which 10,000 will be handed over to British institutions, while the remaining 5,000 ventilators will be donated to other countries.

What will be the unit cost of this ventilator? In response to this, James Dyson says that the urgent need of the world to be met in the shortest possible time is more important than fixing the price.

It should be noted that the severe victims of the novel corona virus “Covid-19” face extreme difficulty in breathing due to which they need a ventilator (artificial breathing machine), but including the United States and the United Kingdom, In most countries around the world, the number of ventilators is much less than the current requirement.

It is hoped that this Dyson ventilator will be a new reinforcement for us in the fight against this virus.

#ventilator #invented #ten #days
2024-08-31 01:02:19



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