A New Twist in the SYRIZA Satire Storyline

It is worth mentioning that the authorization to Mr. Mavrokephalidis was given by Mr. Kasselakis last April, while, according to the party’s statutes, “the president is entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to carry out acts related to the administrative and operational needs of the party”.

With the revocation of the proxy, Mr. Mavrokephalidis has no right to manage the finances and to put signatures on administrative acts, which means that, in addition to the political mess, SYRIZA is now also facing administrative sabotage.

In this comic-tragic situation, Nikos Pappas admitted at the TIF press conference that “there is no obstacle to the participation of Stefanos Kasselakis in the internal party elections”, dispelling the rumors of his imminent removal, as allegedly requested by members of “87”, among them and Olga Gerovasili.


Mr. Pappas, confirming those who insist that he is only doing it for No. 2, said that he himself will not be a candidate for the leadership, while responding to Stefanos Kasselakis, who insists that there was a coup against him, he said that “all positions in SYRIZA are revocable. It is not understood that the statute would under any circumstances provide for an order that is not subject to review.’

From what the head of K.O. said in Thessaloniki. of SYRIZA, the insult to the Greek Judiciary and the “emptying” of Alexis Tsipras stood out. Referring to the fact that he is informally the temporary president of the party, when the Greek Justice has condemned him by 13-0, he replied: “The percentage of the Greek people who have confidence in the Justice is 15%.” I propose to Mr. Mitsotakis to rename the law with which he referred me to Justice to the Mitsotakis-Pappas law. It was a result that was based on a give and take of Mr. Mitsotakis with judges.”


“I think that Alexis Tsipras has a lot to offer as an executive of the Left, he is a man who is the historical leader of our party, he is a man who has international connections. What I said and I repeat is that I don’t understand why this position should be vacant for executives coming from the Left or the progressive space”, he said, calling Alexis Tsipras a “veteran”, while Katerina Notopoulou declares in favor of Tsipras’s candidacy for the leadership of SYRIZA and the former prime minister himself is making a plan for his return to the active political scene.

Seeing with his experience that the ongoing “disruption” will finally dissolve SYRIZA, he said as if he wished that he was sure that “cool voices will prevail and we will proceed to a democratic election of a new president”, while extending a hand of friendship to PASOK, but not for the New Left, for which he said: “For the MPs of the New Left there is a big thorn and the big thorn is that there were departures and unfortunately they also took the seats under contest and some left. This is not a good condition for discussions and convergence, it is a moral and political wound.” However, regarding the possibility of cooperation with PASOK, he left the door open, noting: “We are following the developments in PASOK. SYRIZA has described in its collective decision the question of the great electoral progressive cooperation and alliance. Therefore, the question concerns others and it is obvious that the foundation of such a practice or such initiatives should exist both in society and in the Parliament…”.


Prescription Suggestions… 2015

The head of K.O. of SYRIZA confirmed that the selection of the leader will be made by the grassroots and not by a limited body, such as the Congress.

Mr. Pappas spoke about unfair taxation of the self-employed, while indirectly opposing the measures to deal with tax evasion. He questioned the positive course of the Greek economy, while, referring to the operation of the party media and the stoppage of wages to the workers, he asked for financial support from the party’s friends, while admitting that SYRIZA will need a loan.

Answering a question from “Avgi”, Mr. Pappas went back five years, in the pre-election period of 2019, and again promised the renationalization of PPC, but also proposed again the abolition of auctions.

In more detail, he generalized about dealing with the number one problem in the country, which is the demographic, speaking of a State that “protects – guarantees and builds”, he announced the prevention of auctions, a Guarantee program “so that they can have access to public policies even and those who do not have the funds to participate themselves”, “tiered tax incentives for renting houses”, increase in rent subsidy, tiered and need-based mortgage subsidy from 10% to 30%, housing for students, teachers and public officials. All the latter, as he said, will be done “with the income from the short-term rental, the so-called Airbnb, which amounts to around 700 million euros a year”.

For private debt, Mr. Pappas proposed to make the out-of-court mechanism mandatory for the creditor and a new bankruptcy law, which he neither explained nor presented.

The most important events that happened today, September 16

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Who is celebrating September 16 today?

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