A new support campaign for Ukraine has been launched in Lithuania – funds are being collected to preserve its heritage

As reported by the National Museum of Lithuania, the funds collected during the campaign from November 28 to December 26 will be used to preserve the heritage destroyed by the Russians, purchase restoration materials, and equipment.

The purchased tools will be delivered to the Museum of the History of Ukraine – from here they will travel to other museums in the country.

“The war in Ukraine destroys signs of historical memory and identity – the army of the aggressor country destroys, destroys and loots, appropriates the cultural heritage of Ukraine. Violating international law and multilateral agreements, Russia constantly carries out attacks against cultural and natural heritage, including UNESCO world heritage values ​​of exceptional value recognized by the international community,” states the statement of the National Museum of Lithuania.

According to him, the historical centers of Odesa and Lviv, St. Sofia Cathedral and the ensemble of monastery buildings (Pechorai Laura), the Odessa Archaeological Museum, the Maritime Museum and other objects suffered significant damage.

Fedir Androschuk, general director of the National History Museum of Ukraine, said that Russia’s war against Ukraine fundamentally changed the work of museum workers – the permanent exhibition was dismantled, and the exhibits were hidden in safer places.

“The lion’s share of the exhibits intended for display are now in such a state that they must be constantly looked after by restorers. Currently, the museum team documents the main events of the war and prepares temporary exhibitions presenting various aspects of Ukrainian history,” said the director.

He also drew attention to the illegal trade in cultural objects, especially archaeological finds, publicity.

“Museum’s cooperation with law enforcement authorities has prevented many such cases. Salvaged valuables are often transferred to a museum for storage, registration and further scientific research. And this is where the work of our restorers is extremely important, because without their help these objects can simply decay. Our task is to preserve these museum values ​​for the future. Due to the war, there is a severe shortage of state funds for restoration materials and equipment. And that’s why this support initiative is so important specifically for us and for the preservation of Ukrainian heritage in general”, said F. Androschuk.

Since the beginning of the war in February of last year, UNESCO has recorded damage to 329 objects in Ukraine: 125 religious buildings, 28 museums, 143 buildings of historical and artistic significance, 19 monuments, 13 libraries, one archive.

The support initiative “Ukrainian culture has nothing to defend” is supported by 100 museums of the country, united by the Association of Lithuanian Museums.

During the campaign, Lithuanian people are invited to donate five euros by dialing the number 1409 or transfer the desired amount to the account located on the special sub-page of the campaign on the website of the Lithuanian National Museum lnm.lt.

#support #campaign #Ukraine #launched #Lithuania #funds #collected #preserve #heritage
2024-08-06 16:40:15



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