A new statement from the Moroccan Retirement Fund, and these are its details…


A new statement was issued by the Moroccan Retirement Fund, announcing the launch of the new version of its electronic portal. www.cmr.gov.ma.

The fund confirmed, in the statement seen by Agadir 24, that the new portal provides innovative and renewed digital services through spaces dedicated to its clients (members, retirees, and beneficiaries) as well as its partners, in addition to a space dedicated to the public that provides the fund’s institutional data and developments.

The same source pointed out that the new platform aims to improve the user experience by facilitating the registration process on the portal and developing fully integrated and digitized paths.
The new version is distinguished by being an inclusive service portal that respects good practices in the field of website design and accessibility standards, especially for the visually impaired, as it allows users to view the data that interests them while fully respecting security conditions.

It has been designed to be a reliable and secure reference that provides electronic data and services with informative, interactive and dynamic content. Among the new services provided by this version is enabling users and partners to upload documents and certificates, submit various files and requests related to the services provided by the Fund, follow up on the processing of these files and requests, view updated information in real time regarding their living conditions, and use the electronic payment service.

The process related to the supplementary retirement system has also been completely digitized, starting from the enrolment process until the recovery of the constituent rights, in addition to the possibility of making an estimated calculation, paying exceptional contributions, viewing the personal register, and changing the conditions of enrolment.

As for partners, the services provided by the e-retraite platform have been enriched, as the human resources departments of the operating departments can now track the processing of their employees’ files, in addition to a facilitated service for the automatic declaration of engagements and subscriptions.

The platform’s services have also been expanded to include new partners such as cooperatives and social business institutions.

It is worth noting that the launch of this new electronic portal is part of the implementation of the digital transformation strategy of the Moroccan Retirement Fund, which is mainly focused on simplifying procedures and providing innovative digital services.

#statement #Moroccan #Retirement #Fund #details..
2024-07-25 20:05:10



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