A new statement from the Ministry of Health regarding urgent measures and procedures to confront the effects of the heat wave.


A new statement has been issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection regarding urgent measures and procedures to address the effects of the heat wave.

The Ministry of Ait Taleb confirmed that it “has taken a series of urgent measures and procedures to address the health effects resulting from the high heat wave that the country is witnessing, based on the bulletins issued by the National Meteorological Directorate, which confirmed the rise in temperatures in some areas.”

The ministry explained, in the statement that Agadir 24 has seen, that “the system of shifts has been activated in health institutions in areas experiencing high temperatures, where health professionals, including doctors, nurses, and ambulance drivers, have been mobilized, in addition to providing the necessary medicines and medical supplies to provide the necessary treatments.”

The Ministry urged citizens to take the necessary precautions to prevent health damages associated with high temperatures, especially the most vulnerable groups, which include children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases.

The ministry recommended “drinking sufficient amounts of water regularly to avoid dehydration,” “moisturizing the body with water periodically, especially the face and arms,” “avoiding going out during the daytime when temperatures are very high, between 11 am and 8 pm,” “staying in cool places and avoiding strenuous physical activities,” “keeping homes cool by closing windows during the day and opening them in the evening,” and “consulting a doctor in case of health problems or receiving regular treatments.”

The ministry pointed out the need to “pay attention to symptoms that may result from excessive exposure to heat, including a rise in body temperature (fever), pale skin color, cramps in the limbs and abdominal muscles, a feeling of extreme thirst or weight loss, headache, and nausea, especially when these symptoms reach the point of losing consciousness,” adding: “If any of these symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the nearest health facility.”

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection stressed the importance of adhering to the instructions issued to protect public health and ensure everyone’s safety during the period of high temperatures.”

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2024-07-27 12:03:01



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