A new species of bees has appeared in Europe

According to the tvn24.pl website, a new species of bees has been spotted in Europe. The insects come from Asia and their appearance worries beekeepers.

A new species of bees has appeared in Europe /photo: shutterstock

Asian bees are coming to Europe

The dwarf honeybee, found in southern Asia in the tropical climate zone, has established its first colony in Europe – reports an international team of scientists, cited by tvn24pl.

As we read, the dwarf honeybee is slowly expanding its territory from Asia to the Middle East and north-east Africa, but until now it has never been recorded in Europe.

As it turned out, for a while. The first colony of this alien species was confirmed in Malta. It consisted of over two thousand adults. Another colony was found in Israel

– reports tvn24.pl

Dwarf bees may compete with honeybees for pollen and nectar, which is already causing concern among beekeepers.

More on this topic at tvn24.pl

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