A new report against Salah Tijani accuses him of forging the Noble Syndicate’s blood certificate

2024-09-24 11:37:00

A lawyer who quashed the conviction submitted a report to the Attorney General objecting Salah TijaniIn it, he accused him of forging a lineage document submitted to the “Ashraf Syndicate” of the Arab Republic of Egypt, in which he claimed that his relationship with the Sheikh Ahmed Tijani of Tijani was valid.

Report No. 921833 of 2024 includes a petition from the Technical Office of the Attorney General, in which the author states that Salah al-Din Mahmoud Abu Talib Abdullah, namely Salah Tijani He created a mythical figure and fictional story about his alleged grandfather Abdullah to confirm his relationship with Sheikh Ahmed al-Tijani, the son of the founder of the Tijania sect in the Algerian city of Ain Madi Validity of Sheikh Mohammed Habib’s lineage.

The newsletter added: Salah Tijani During 2017, he submitted an application to obtain membership of the Noble Gentlemen of Egypt to the General Federation of Nobles and Gentlemen of Egypt, and attached to the membership application the original list of pedigrees numbered 16732 dated 12/12/. The document states that the money was collected from a syndicate of noble gentlemen. – May God be pleased with him – and the daughter of the Holy Prophet, Ms. Fatima Zahra – May God bless him and grant him peace – contradicts the reality of reality and what is proven in the officially recorded Tijaniyya Family tree.

The report states that in 2017, Egypt’s Grand Tijjania Zawiya submitted a whistleblower report against the leader of the Ashraf Group in the Arab Republic of Egypt, accusing him of forging Sheikh Ahmed Tijani of blood.

He said that according to the documents attached to the report, the whistleblower deliberately changed the truth in an official document of the Syndicate of Egyptian Nobles to make it untrue in the form of a true fact. This is an act that violates the factual recognition of affiliation and is a criminal law Crimes specified in Articles 211, 212, 213 and 214.

Section 211 provides that (Every public officer who, in the course of the discharge of his duties, shall be guilty of the act of forging a published award, report, minutes, document, record, account book or other government document or document, whether by Sign or seal or alter a document, seal or signature, or add words or a pseudonym or picture of another person, shall be punished with temporary hard labor or imprisonment.

Article 212 also stipulates: “Any non-public employee who commits the crime of forgery as stipulated in the preceding article shall be sentenced to a severe fixed-term imprisonment or a maximum of ten years in prison.”

Article 213 provides that (any employee of a public authority or court who intends to falsify the subject matter or conditions of bonds drawn up by the person in charge of his work shall also be punished with aggravated imprisonment or imprisonment, whether by altering the statements of the parties concerned in which these bonds were issued The purpose is to incorporate it, either by falsifying that fact under the guise of a valid fact, or by falsifying an unrecognized fact.

Article 214 stipulates punishment: “Anyone who forges or falsely uses documents of a joint-stock company, a cooperative, a trade union established in accordance with the conditions prescribed by law, an institution or association deemed to be of public welfare in accordance with the law shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years.”

The report concludes with a request for the prosecutor to assign the North Giza prosecutor to launch an urgent and extensive investigation against him, to summon the informants against him, to hear his statement on the charges, and to address the Federation of Nobles of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It sends informants’ membership files and maintains original inventory files regarding their ancestry.

#report #Salah #Tijani #accuses #forging #Noble #Syndicates #blood #certificate



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